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皓月 · 2024年09月04日

Cambo bases her equity market forecast on a time-series model us

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Cambo compares her business cycle forecasting approach to the approach used by the chief economist. Cambo bases her equity market forecast on a time-series model using a composite index of leading indicators as the key input, whereas the chief economist uses a detailed econometric model to generate his economic forecasts.

Discuss strengths and weaknesses of the economic forecasting approaches used by Cambo and the chief economist.




1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2024年09月04日





Cambo bases her equity market forecast on a time-series model using a composite index of leading indicators as the key input, whereas the chief economist uses a detailed econometric model

这句话的意思是:Cambo使用了LEI。chief economist使用了数量模型。


讨论到chief economist的时候,再写数量模型的优缺点。


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NO.PZ202105270100000203 问题如下 Camcompares her business cycle forecasting approato the approausethe chief economist. Cambases her equity market forecast on a time-series mol using a composite inx of leang incators the key input, wherethe chief economist uses a taileeconometric mol to generate his economic forecasts.scuss strengths anweaknesses of the economic forecasting approaches useCamanthe chief economist. (1)Leang incator-baseapproachStrengths:simple antare available from thirparty. the methocforecast the turning potintWeakness: Little more thbinary result. Cprovi false signal.Overfittein sample.(2)Economic forecasting approachesStrengths: The mol crobust.Quantative estimation. Impose consistenon analysis.Weakness:False sense of precion. Complex antime-consuming. Can't precting the turning points.

2024-11-09 22:02 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202105270100000203 问题如下 Camcompares her business cycle forecasting approato the approausethe chief economist. Cambases her equity market forecast on a time-series mol using a composite inx of leang incators the key input, wherethe chief economist uses a taileeconometric mol to generate his economic forecasts.scuss strengths anweaknesses of the economic forecasting approaches useCamanthe chief economist. 如题。

2024-10-19 17:49 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202105270100000203 问题如下 Camcompares her business cycle forecasting approato the approausethe chief economist. Cambases her equity market forecast on a time-series mol using a composite inx of leang incators the key input, wherethe chief economist uses a taileeconometric mol to generate his economic forecasts.scuss strengths anweaknesses of the economic forecasting approaches useCamanthe chief economist. 这句话中 time-series mol 就是数量经济模型吧, 为何答案按照LEI的mol处理?

2023-06-25 23:32 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202105270100000203 问题如下 Camcompares her business cycle forecasting approato the approausethe chief economist. Cambases her equity market forecast on a time-series mol using a composite inx of leang incators the key input, wherethe chief economist uses a taileeconometric mol to generate his economic forecasts.scuss strengths anweaknesses of the economic forecasting approaches useCamanthe chief economist. 如题。为何答案只说他用了LEI的方法?

2023-06-13 23:41 1 · 回答