Li’s team also examined survey data within the consumer credit andtelecommunications industries over the same time period for which the actualdata were collected. They found that projections in the surveys of the CCI andTELI tended to be more volatile than the actual data. However, Li’s team hasdecided not to make any adjustments because a definitive procedure could not bedetermined.
A comparisonbetween the survey data containing projections of the CCI and TELI and theactual CCI and TELI most likely exhibits:
ex post risk being a biased measure of ex ante risk
B.are callability trap
C.a status quo trap
Correct Answer: A
As stated, theprojections in the survey data tended to be more volatile than the actualoutcomes over the same time period. This result indicates that the ex-post risk(i.e., the volatility of the actual data) tends to have a downward biasrelative to the ex ante risk displayed by the survey data. This tendency isevidence of ex post risk being a biased measure of ex ante risk.