开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


eyn · 2024年09月01日

Material Nonpublic Information



At a post-work gathering in a financial district bar, Ellen Miffitt, CFA, accidentally overhears employees from a rival firm discussing plans to manipulate the price of a thinly traded micro-cap stock in the coming days. Miffitt's clients hold significant positions in this stock, so upon arriving at work the next day, she promptly sells off these holdings. Having previously determined that the micro-cap stock was suitable for all her accounts at its higher price, Miffitt repurchases her clients' original shares at the week's end at the new, lower price. Which of the CFA Institute's Standards of Professional Conduct is Miffitt least likely to have violated?


A.Market Manipulation B.Preservation of Confidentiality C.Material Nonpublic Information


Option B is correct because Miffitt did not breach the standard of confidentiality, which pertains to information about past, current, and potential clients. Option A is incorrect as, even though Miffitt did not initiate the market manipulation, her actions contributed to the price movement when she sold into a declining market, especially in the case of thinly traded stocks that are susceptible to changes in trading volume. By repurchasing the shares for her clients, she attempted to benefit from the manipulation, thereby violating Standard II(B). Option C is incorrect because she tried to benefit her clients by trading on information that could impact the value of the micro-cap stock, which is considered material nonpublic information.

来自对手方公司的信息属于non-material information吧?

1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2024年09月03日

Ellen Miffitt,一位CFA持证人,在酒吧偶然听到对手公司员工讨论操纵一只交易清淡的小盘股价格的计划。由于她的客户大量持有这只股票,所以她第二天到公司后立即卖出了这些股票,并在周末以更低的价格重新为客户购买了这些股票。我们需要基于这个关系,判断哪个CFA协会的职业行为准则Miffitt最不可能违反。

A. 市场操纵


B. 保密


C. 重大非公开信息


关于你提到的“来自对手方公司的信息属于non-material information”这一点,实际上在这个情境中,关于操纵股票价格的信息对投资决策具有重大影响,因此它被视为“重大非公开信息”。所以,Miffitt利用这一信息为客户进行交易,违反了关于重大非公开信息的准则。综上所述,Miffitt最不可能违反的CFA协会的职业行为准则是B.保密,因为她没有泄露或不当使用任何关于她客户的信息。

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