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157****0450 · 2024年08月30日

success engagement在讲义的哪里?



The best way to assess an investor’s engagement success is to consider:


A.the impact the engagement had on the investee’s stock price. B.the improvements in the investee’s corporate governance policies and practices. C.the outcome of the investor’s engagement actions against engagement objectives related to the investee.


C is correct. Setting clear objectives for engagements is critical for investors; meeting these pre-established objectives is the correct way to assess the success of engagements. PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) recognizes the importance of the engagers applying milestone measures and KPIs (key performance indicators) in their engagement actions so they can be accountable to their clients based on meeting the KPIs. Measuring engagement success based on the stock price performance or improvements in policies at the investee level might not be as accurate as measuring engagement actions against engagement objectives.

有好几道题目问的都是success engagement如何判断,但是讲义里只讲过effective engagement,没有讲过success engagement,以及判断标准,是否有一条达到了即为success engagement的标准线?

1 个答案

Carol文_品职助教 · 2024年09月02日


 engagement success主要和讲义里的Steps Of Engagement这部分内容有关,从讲义的第40页开始看。

在投资者参与(engagement)过程中,虽然“effective engagement”和“success engagement”这两个概念有一定的重叠,但它们的侧重点不同。一般而言,"success engagement" 是指投资者在参与过程中的目标达成情况,而 "effective engagement" 则更侧重于参与的效率和质量。

判断“success engagement”的标准 通常基于以下几点:

  1. 目标达成情况(如选项C所述):衡量投资者是否达到了预设的参与目标是判断成功与否的关键。PRI(负责任投资原则)鼓励投资者设定明确的参与目标,并根据这些目标来评估参与的成功度。这包括应用里程碑措施和关键绩效指标(KPIs),确保参与过程是透明且可衡量的。
  2. 参与的影响力:虽然股价的变动(如选项A)或公司治理政策的改善(如选项B)可以作为参与的效果指标,但它们并非衡量成功的最精确标准。公司股价可能会受到多种因素的影响,而不仅仅是投资者的参与行为。
  3. 持续的影响:即使参与目标没有立即达成,如果能够促使公司朝着更好的方向发展,也可以被视为成功的一种形式。

没有单一的标准线可以明确界定 "success engagement"。每次参与行动的成功与否,往往取决于具体的目标、实施过程以及最终结果。因此,关键在于明确参与目标,并依据这些目标来衡量成果。
