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哇哈哈哈 · 2024年08月27日




In a recent presentation, Doug Pearce made two statements about dividends:

  • Statement 1 “A stock dividend will increase share price on the ex-dividend date, all other things being equal. ”
  • Statement 2 “One practical concern with a stock split is that it will reduce the company’s price-to-earnings ratio. ”
Are Pearce’s two statements about the effects of the stock dividend and stock split correct?



No for both statements.


Yes for Statement 1 and no for Statement 2.


No for Statement 1 and yes for Statement 2.


A is correct.

Both statements are incorrect. A stock dividend will decrease the price per share, all other things being equal. A stock split will reduce the price and earnings per share proportionately, leaving the price-to-earnings ratio the same.

题目是说 price to earnings,并不是准确的price to earnings per share吧?(或者PE ratio),所以拆股price下降,earning不变 → 那么price to earnings 应该下降吧

1 个答案

王琛_品职助教 · 2024年08月28日



案例背景中的原文是:price-to-earnings ratio

指的就是 P/E 哈

请参考原版书 P7 的最后一段



分子是 share price, P

分母是 earnings per share, E

拆股,对于 Price per share 和 earnings per share 是改变了相同的比例,所以 P/E 保持不变

也请参考基础班讲义墨迹版 P15


price-to-earnings ratio 和 PE 是同一个概念哈

也请参考课后题第 19 题的表述


  • 1

  • 0

  • 60


NO.PZ2023040402000041 问题如下 In a recent presentation, ug Pearma two statements about vin: Statement 1 “A stovinwill increase share prion the ex-vinte, all other things being equal. ”Statement 2 “One practicconcern with a stosplit is thit will rethe company’s price-to-earnings ratio. ” Are Pearce’s two statements about the effects of the stovinanstosplit correct? A.No for both statements. B.Yes for Statement 1 anno for Statement 2. C.No for Statement 1 anyes for Statement 2. A is correct. Both statements are incorrect. A stovinwill crease the priper share, all other things being equal. A stosplit will rethe prianearnings per share proportionately, leaving the price-to-earnings ratio the same. 请问是 现金分红、股票分红两种方式都会让股价在ex-vin息日 当天降低吗?我记得以前还有grant te、除权日啥的,可以帮助回忆一下考点吗?现在二级还考吗?

2024-03-20 21:19 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040402000041 问题如下 In a recent presentation, ug Pearma two statements about vin: Statement 1 “A stovinwill increase share prion the ex-vinte, all other things being equal. ”Statement 2 “One practicconcern with a stosplit is thit will rethe company’s price-to-earnings ratio. ” Are Pearce’s two statements about the effects of the stovinanstosplit correct? A.No for both statements. B.Yes for Statement 1 anno for Statement 2. C.No for Statement 1 anyes for Statement 2. A is correct. Both statements are incorrect. A stovinwill crease the priper share, all other things being equal. A stosplit will rethe prianearnings per share proportionately, leaving the price-to-earnings ratio the same. 老师,请问为什么股票分红股价会跌呢

2024-03-08 10:49 1 · 回答