开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


安东尼2001 · 2024年08月24日


答案判断及提示不正确 这个题的问题是问,"over the past year",意思就是过去一年,已经显现的风险,即过去一年已经显现的风险问题。但是答案里,key person risk 也好, style drift 也罢,都是现在,目前面临的问题,并不是在过去一年面临的,过去一年仍然是那个退休专家在操盘。所以这个题目是不是有问题?
1 个答案

伯恩_品职助教 · 2024年08月24日




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NO.PZ2019092801000013 问题如下 Five years after hisfirst meeting with PuGreslö monitors a private reestate investment thatPua hhelfor one year. Until recently, the investment hbeen managealocreestate specialist who ha competitive aantage in this market; thespecialist’s strategy wto purchase stresselocresintihousingproperties, make strategic property improvements, anthen sell them. Pua isone of severclients who have investein this opportunity.Greslö learns ththe specialist recently retireanhe investment is now managea nationreestate company. The companyhtolinvestors thit now plans to invest throughout the region in bothstressehousing ancommerciproperties. The company also lengthenetheholng periofor eainvestment property from the te of the initialcapitcall because of the complexity of the property renovations, anitalterethe interim profit stribution targets.scuss thequalitative risk issues thhave most likely materializever the past year. Pua’s investment hasbeen affectekey person risk shown the effeof the managementchange.• Style ift hasoccurreshown the change from a locto a regioninvestment strategyanthe expansion of the investment strategy to inclu commerciproperties.• The risk of theinvestment hchangeowing to the aecomplexity of the propertyrenovations.• The longer holngperio anthe change in interim profit stribution targets will affethisinvestment.• Client/assetturnover following the management change mnow affethe performanof theinvestment.• The managementchange malter the client profile, whicoulhave a negative effeoninvestment performance.Qualitativeconsirations cleto a better unrstanng of the revisestrategy forthe investment anwhether this investment remains suitable for PuPua’sinvestment hbeen affectekey person risk shown the managementchange from the locmanager to a nationcompany. Style ift hoccurres shown the change from a locto a regioninvestment strategy antheexpansion of the strategy to inclu commerciproperties.The risk of theinvestment hchangebecause of the aecomplexity of the renovations, anonitoring the company’s risk management will important for Greslö shemanages Pua’s portfolio. Monitoring of the private reestate investment hasrevealescrepancies in the new management strategy of the nationcompanyrelative to the initiinvestment strategy of the locmanager, inclung thelonger holng perio anthe changeinterim profit stribution targets.Client/asset turnover following the management change mnow significantlyaffethe performanof the investment. Finally, the change in management mayalter the client profile, whicoulhave a negative effeon investmentperformance. 管理层变动的影响表明,Pua 的投资已受到关键人物风险的影响。• 从本地投资策略到区域投资策略的转变以及投资策略扩展到包括商业地产,都显示了风格漂移。• 由于物业翻新的复杂性增加,投资风险发生了变化。• 持有期延长及中期利润分配目标的变化将影响本次投资。• 管理层变动后的客户/资产周转率现在可能会影响投资业绩。• 管理层变动可能会改变客户概况,从而对投资业绩产生负面影响。定性考虑可以让您更好地了解修改后的投资策略以及该投资是否仍然适合 PuPua 的投资受到了关键人物风险的影响,从当地经理到国家公司的管理层变动就表明了这一点。从本地投资策略到区域投资策略的转变以及将策略扩展到包括商业地产,都表明风格发生了变化。由于翻修的复杂性增加,投资风险发生了变化,在 Greslö 管理 Pua 的投资组合时,监控公司的风险管理将非常重要。对私人房地产投资的监测发现,国有公司新的管理策略与本地管理人的初始投资策略存在差异,包括更长的持有期限和变更的中期利润分配目标。管理层变动后的客户/资产周转率现在可能会显着影响投资业绩。最后,管理层的变动可能会改变客户的形象,这可能会对投资业绩产生负面影响。这个考点容易被学员忽略,很少有考题,这个题填补了这个空缺知识点是从下面的角度考虑 qualitative risk issuesthe investment philosophy changes. purchasing stresselocresintihousing properties through property improvements anselling to profit. then investing in both stressehousing ancommerciproperties anextenng the holng periofor eainvestment property.the key person risk. the specialist recently retireaninvestment wmanagea nationreestate company, whileto changes in style.

2023-05-13 07:44 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019092801000013 问题如下 Five years after hisfirst meeting with PuGreslö monitors a private reestate investment thatPua hhelfor one year. Until recently, the investment hbeen managealocreestate specialist who ha competitive aantage in this market; thespecialist’s strategy wto purchase stresselocresintihousingproperties, make strategic property improvements, anthen sell them. Pua isone of severclients who have investein this opportunity.Greslö learns ththe specialist recently retireanhe investment is now managea nationreestate company. The companyhtolinvestors thit now plans to invest throughout the region in bothstressehousing ancommerciproperties. The company also lengthenetheholng periofor eainvestment property from the te of the initialcapitcall because of the complexity of the property renovations, anitalterethe interim profit stribution targets.scuss thequalitative risk issues thhave most likely materializever the past year. Pua’s investment hasbeen affectekey person risk shown the effeof the managementchange.• Style ift hasoccurreshown the change from a locto a regioninvestment strategyanthe expansion of the investment strategy to inclu commerciproperties.• The risk of theinvestment hchangeowing to the aecomplexity of the propertyrenovations.• The longer holngperio anthe change in interim profit stribution targets will affethisinvestment.• Client/assetturnover following the management change mnow affethe performanof theinvestment.• The managementchange malter the client profile, whicoulhave a negative effeoninvestment performance.Qualitativeconsirations cleto a better unrstanng of the revisestrategy forthe investment anwhether this investment remains suitable for PuPua’sinvestment hbeen affectekey person risk shown the managementchange from the locmanager to a nationcompany. Style ift hoccurres shown the change from a locto a regioninvestment strategy antheexpansion of the strategy to inclu commerciproperties.The risk of theinvestment hchangebecause of the aecomplexity of the renovations, anonitoring the company’s risk management will important for Greslö shemanages Pua’s portfolio. Monitoring of the private reestate investment hasrevealescrepancies in the new management strategy of the nationcompanyrelative to the initiinvestment strategy of the locmanager, inclung thelonger holng perio anthe changeinterim profit stribution targets.Client/asset turnover following the management change mnow significantlyaffethe performanof the investment. Finally, the change in management mayalter the client profile, whicoulhave a negative effeon investmentperformance. 管理层变动的影响表明,Pua 的投资已受到关键人物风险的影响。• 从本地投资策略到区域投资策略的转变以及投资策略扩展到包括商业地产,都显示了风格漂移。• 由于物业翻新的复杂性增加,投资风险发生了变化。• 持有期延长及中期利润分配目标的变化将影响本次投资。• 管理层变动后的客户/资产周转率现在可能会影响投资业绩。• 管理层变动可能会改变客户概况,从而对投资业绩产生负面影响。定性考虑可以让您更好地了解修改后的投资策略以及该投资是否仍然适合 PuPua 的投资受到了关键人物风险的影响,从当地经理到国家公司的管理层变动就表明了这一点。从本地投资策略到区域投资策略的转变以及将策略扩展到包括商业地产,都表明风格发生了变化。由于翻修的复杂性增加,投资风险发生了变化,在 Greslö 管理 Pua 的投资组合时,监控公司的风险管理将非常重要。对私人房地产投资的监测发现,国有公司新的管理策略与本地管理人的初始投资策略存在差异,包括更长的持有期限和变更的中期利润分配目标。管理层变动后的客户/资产周转率现在可能会显着影响投资业绩。最后,管理层的变动可能会改变客户的形象,这可能会对投资业绩产生负面影响。这个考点容易被学员忽略,很少有考题,这个题填补了这个空缺知识点是从下面的角度考虑 这两条是不是管理层变动后衍生出来的,题目原文并没有体现。

2022-11-06 21:07 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019092801000013 问题如下 Five years after hisfirst meeting with PuGreslö monitors a private reestate investment thatPua hhelfor one year. Until recently, the investment hbeen managealocreestate specialist who ha competitive aantage in this market; thespecialist’s strategy wto purchase stresselocresintihousingproperties, make strategic property improvements, anthen sell them. Pua isone of severclients who have investein this opportunity.Greslö learns ththe specialist recently retireanhe investment is now managea nationreestate company. The companyhtolinvestors thit now plans to invest throughout the region in bothstressehousing ancommerciproperties. The company also lengthenetheholng periofor eainvestment property from the te of the initialcapitcall because of the complexity of the property renovations, anitalterethe interim profit stribution targets.scuss thequalitative risk issues thhave most likely materializever the past year. Pua’s investment hasbeen affectekey person risk shown the effeof the managementchange.• Style ift hasoccurreshown the change from a locto a regioninvestment strategyanthe expansion of the investment strategy to inclu commerciproperties.• The risk of theinvestment hchangeowing to the aecomplexity of the propertyrenovations.• The longer holngperio anthe change in interim profit stribution targets will affethisinvestment.• Client/assetturnover following the management change mnow affethe performanof theinvestment.• The managementchange malter the client profile, whicoulhave a negative effeoninvestment performance.Qualitativeconsirations cleto a better unrstanng of the revisestrategy forthe investment anwhether this investment remains suitable for PuPua’sinvestment hbeen affectekey person risk shown the managementchange from the locmanager to a nationcompany. Style ift hoccurres shown the change from a locto a regioninvestment strategy antheexpansion of the strategy to inclu commerciproperties.The risk of theinvestment hchangebecause of the aecomplexity of the renovations, anonitoring the company’s risk management will important for Greslö shemanages Pua’s portfolio. Monitoring of the private reestate investment hasrevealescrepancies in the new management strategy of the nationcompanyrelative to the initiinvestment strategy of the locmanager, inclung thelonger holng perio anthe changeinterim profit stribution targets.Client/asset turnover following the management change mnow significantlyaffethe performanof the investment. Finally, the change in management mayalter the client profile, whicoulhave a negative effeon investmentperformance. 管理层变动的影响表明,Pua 的投资已受到关键人物风险的影响。• 从本地投资策略到区域投资策略的转变以及投资策略扩展到包括商业地产,都显示了风格漂移。• 由于物业翻新的复杂性增加,投资风险发生了变化。• 持有期延长及中期利润分配目标的变化将影响本次投资。• 管理层变动后的客户/资产周转率现在可能会影响投资业绩。• 管理层变动可能会改变客户概况,从而对投资业绩产生负面影响。定性考虑可以让您更好地了解修改后的投资策略以及该投资是否仍然适合 PuPua 的投资受到了关键人物风险的影响,从当地经理到国家公司的管理层变动就表明了这一点。从本地投资策略到区域投资策略的转变以及将策略扩展到包括商业地产,都表明风格发生了变化。由于翻修的复杂性增加,投资风险发生了变化,在 Greslö 管理 Pua 的投资组合时,监控公司的风险管理将非常重要。对私人房地产投资的监测发现,国有公司新的管理策略与本地管理人的初始投资策略存在差异,包括更长的持有期限和变更的中期利润分配目标。管理层变动后的客户/资产周转率现在可能会显着影响投资业绩。最后,管理层的变动可能会改变客户的形象,这可能会对投资业绩产生负面影响。这个考点容易被学员忽略,很少有考题,这个题填补了这个空缺知识点是从下面的角度考虑 题目中提到the specialist’s strategy wto purchase stresselocresintihousing properties, 我想请问一下这是什麽策略? 好像以前没学过这样的专家策略?

2022-06-19 22:57 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2019092801000013 会出这类问答题吗?这也要背吗…

2022-01-15 20:24 1 · 回答