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karweillas · 2024年08月22日




Lebedeva begins the meeting by discussing credit rating migration. Kowalski asks Lebedeva about the typical impact of credit rating migration on the expected return on a bond. Lebedeva asks Kowalski to estimate the expected return over the next year on a bond issued by Entre Corp. The BBB rated bond has a yield to maturity of 5.50% and a modified duration of 7.54. Kowalski calculates the expected return on the bond over the next year given the partial credit transition and credit spread data in Exhibit 1. She assumes that market spreads and yields will remain stable over the year.

Exhibit 1 One-Year Transition Matrix for BBB Rated Bonds and Credit Spreads

The most appropriate response to Kowalski’s question regarding credit rating migration is that it has:



a negative impact.


no impact.


a positive impact.


Correct Answer: A

Credit spread migration typically reduces the expected return for two reasons. First, the probabilities for rating changes are not symmetrically distributed around the current rating; they are skewed toward a downgrade rather than an upgrade. Second, the increase in the credit spread is much larger for downgrades than is the decrease in the spread for upgrades.

还有如果现在评级是B的话,那migration应该是positive impact?

1 个答案

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2024年08月23日



如果现在评级是B的话依旧可能是negative impact,因为评级是B的话,矩阵也不会是目前的这个概率分布了。


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NO.PZ2023040701000097 问题如下 Lebeva begins the meeting scussing cret rating migration. Kowalski asks Lebeva about the typicimpaof cret rating migration on the expectereturn on a bon Lebeva asks Kowalski to estimate the expectereturn over the next yeon a bonissueEntre Corp. The Bratebonha yielto maturity of 5.50% ana mofieration of 7.54. Kowalski calculates the expectereturn on the bonover the next yegiven the particret transition ancret spreta in Exhibit 1. She assumes thmarket sprea anyiel will remain stable over the year. Exhibit 1 One-YeTransition Matrix for BRateBon anCretSpreaThe most appropriate response to Kowalski’s question regarng cret rating migration is thit has: A.a negative impact. B.no impact. C.a positive impact. CorreAnswer: ACret spremigration typically reces the expectereturn for two reasons. First, the probabilities for rating changes are not symmetrically stributearounthe current rating; they are skewetowara wngra rather thupgra. Secon the increase in the cret spreis mularger for wngras this the crease in the sprefor upgras. No.PZ2023040701000097 (选择题)来源: 经典题Lebeva begins the meeting scussing cret rating migration. Kowalski asks Lebeva about the typicimpaof cret rating migration on the expectereturn on a bon Lebeva asks Kowalski to estimate the expectereturn over the next yeon a bonissueEntre Corp. The Bratebonha yielto maturity of 5.50% ana mofieration of 7.54. Kowalski calculates the expectereturn on the bonover the next yegiven the particret transition ancret spreta in Exhibit 1. She assumes thmarket sprea anyiel will remain stable over the year.Exhibit 1 One-YeTransition Matrix for BRateBon anCret SpreaThe most appropriate response to Kowalski’s question regarng cret rating migration is thit has:直接求一个cret spre的期望,算出来cr就是到1.73%,会增长,所以negative?

2024-04-28 01:49 1 · 回答