7. Based on the ratios for operating cash flow before interest and taxes to operating income, Abay should conclude that:
A.Bickchip’s earnings are backed by cash flow.
B.Bickchip’s earnings are not backed by cash flow.
C.Abay can draw no conclusion due to the changes in the ratios over time.
A is correct.
Operating cash flow before interest and taxes to operating income rises steadily (not erratically) from 1.2 to 1.3 to 1.9. The ratios over 1.0 and the trend indicate that earnings are supported by cash flow.
解析:从2007到2009年,Operating cash flow before interest and taxes to operating income分别是1.2,1.3和1.9,都大于1且趋势是变高,分子代表了经营现金流,分母代表经营利润,分子大于分母说明经营利润是由现金流支撑的。
请问是这个ratio 持续稳定的大于一就是说明operating income是被cash flow backed的么? 如果ratio大于一 但是有下降趋势呢?