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七七 · 2024年08月09日

active share和active risk与diversification的关系

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The Mattley Fund manager is most likely following which investment style?


A.Sector rotation B.Closet indexing C.Diversified stock picking



C is correct. The Mattley Fund exhibited relatively high Active Share but relatively low active risk. High Active Share indicates that a manager’s holdings differ substantially from the benchmark, and low active risk indicates low idiosyncratic risk resulting from diversification: This combination indicates that the manager most likely follows a diversified stock picking strategy. A sector rotator typically has high active risk and could have either high or low Active Share, depending on whether a concentrated or diversified portfolio approach was followed. A closet index would exhibit both low Active Share and low active risk, because such funds make few active bets.

A is incorrect. A sector rotator typically has high active risk and could have either high or low Active Share, depending on whether a concentrated or diversified portfolio approach was followed.

B is incorrect. A closet index would exhibit both low Active Share and low active risk, because such funds make few active bets.

请问老师分析一下active share高低与diversification以及concentration的关系如何?是否是一一对应的关系,也即concentration就一定意味着active share高?

active risk高低与diversification以及concentration的关系如何?是否是一一对应的关系?

2 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2024年08月09日


active risk高低与diversification以及concentration的关系如何?是否是一一对应的关系?



因此,portfolio越是diversified,portfolio与benchmark越接近,active risk越小。

对应关系是,diversified,active risk小。concentration,active risk大。


笛子_品职助教 · 2024年08月10日


那active share呢?是不是,diversified,active share小,active risk小。concentration,active share大,active risk大。 请问active share和active risk两者之间的关系?active share大不一定意味着active risk大,active share小一定意味着active risk小?



在 factor因素相同的时候,active share大的potrfolio,active risk大,active share小的portfolio,active risk小。


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NO.PZ202207040100000802 问题如下 The Mattley Funmanager is most likely following whiinvestment style? A.Sector rotation B.Closet inxing C.versifiestopicking SolutionC is correct. The Mattley Funexhibiterelatively high Active Share but relatively low active risk. High Active Share incates tha manager’s holngs ffer substantially from the benchmark, anlow active risk incates low iosyncratic risk resulting from versification: This combination incates ththe manager most likely follows a versifiestopicking strategy. A sector rotator typically hhigh active risk ancoulhave either high or low Active Share, penng on whether a concentrateor versifieportfolio approawfollowe A closet inx woulexhibit both low Active Share anlow active risk, because sufun make few active bets.A is incorrect. A sector rotator typically hhigh active risk ancoulhave either high or low Active Share, penng on whether a concentrateor versifieportfolio approawfollowe B is incorrect. A closet inx woulexhibit both low Active Share anlow active risk, because sufun make few active bets. 不明白,讲义里有么?

2023-12-16 17:46 2 · 回答

NO.PZ202207040100000802问题如下The Mattley Funmanager is most likely following whiinvestment style?A.Sector rotationB.Closet inxingC.versifiestopickingSolutionC is correct. The Mattley Funexhibiterelatively high Active Share but relatively low active risk. High Active Share incates tha manager’s holngs ffer substantially from the benchmark, anlow active risk incates low iosyncratic risk resulting from versification: This combination incates ththe manager most likely follows a versifiestopicking strategy. A sector rotator typically hhigh active risk ancoulhave either high or low Active Share, penng on whether a concentrateor versifieportfolio approawfollowe A closet inx woulexhibit both low Active Share anlow active risk, because sufun make few active bets.A is incorrect. A sector rotator typically hhigh active risk ancoulhave either high or low Active Share, penng on whether a concentrateor versifieportfolio approawfollowe B is incorrect. A closet inx woulexhibit both low Active Share anlow active risk, because sufun make few active bets. Sector rotation 应该是active share 高,active risk 可高可低吧?

2023-10-14 10:59 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202207040100000802 问题如下 The Mattley Funmanager is most likely following whiinvestment style? A.Sector rotation B.Closet inxing C.versifiestopicking SolutionC is correct. The Mattley Funexhibiterelatively high Active Share but relatively low active risk. High Active Share incates tha manager’s holngs ffer substantially from the benchmark, anlow active risk incates low iosyncratic risk resulting from versification: This combination incates ththe manager most likely follows a versifiestopicking strategy. A sector rotator typically hhigh active risk ancoulhave either high or low Active Share, penng on whether a concentrateor versifieportfolio approawfollowe A closet inx woulexhibit both low Active Share anlow active risk, because sufun make few active bets.A is incorrect. A sector rotator typically hhigh active risk ancoulhave either high or low Active Share, penng on whether a concentrateor versifieportfolio approawfollowe B is incorrect. A closet inx woulexhibit both low Active Share anlow active risk, because sufun make few active bets. 如题

2023-06-11 22:38 1 · 回答