How should Miller most likely respond to Browne’s question about Tucker’s anticipated pension surplus asset?选项:
A.The value of the surplus is likely overstated. B.US accounting rules do not permit a sponsor to claim a pension surplus on the balance sheet. C.There do not appear to be any problems with the value or anticipated accounting treatment of the surplus.解释:
SolutionA is correct. The pension plan is incorrectly using a discount rate based on the returns to its current asset allocation, which includes small-cap equity, private equity, and illiquid real estate investments. These returns are historically much higher than the returns to high-grade bond yields averaged over the last 25 years, which is the maximum discount rate permitted in the United States. Therefore, the value of liabilities is being calculated with a higher-than-allowed discount rate and has likely been understated. This means the value of the surplus is likely overstated.
B is incorrect. US GAAP not only permits but requires firms to report the value of the overfunded or underfunded pension plan on the balance sheet as an asset or a liability, respectively.
C is incorrect. The value of the surplus is likely overstated because the discount rate being used to calculate the value of plan liabilities is too high.
请老师,再明确一下养老金的liability和asset的折现率相关规定和知识点。从这道题看,asset的折现率最高不能超过 returns to high-grade bond yields averaged over the last 25 years。那么养老金负债的折现率呢?看题目后面说,本题用的是最近15年的资产端投资收益率。