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洁1017 · 2024年08月06日

multiple liability immunization



Chaopraya Av is an investment advisor for high-net-worth individuals. One of her clients, Schuylkill Cy, plans to fund her grandson’s college education and considers two options:

Option 1 Contribute a lump sum of $300,000 in 10 years.

Option 2 Contribute four level annual payments of $76,500 starting in 10 years.

The grandson will start college in 10 years. Cy seeks to immunize the contribution today.

Cy and Av now discuss Option 2. Av estimates the present value of the four future cash flows as $230,372, with a money duration of $2,609,700 and convexity of 135.142. She considers three possible portfolios to immunize the future payments, as presented in Exhibit 2.

Determine the most appropriate immunization portfolio in the Exhibit 2. Justify your decision.



Determine the most appropriate immunization portfolio in the Exhibit 2. (circle one)

Portfolio 1 Portfolio 2 Portfolio 3

Justify your response.


Portfolio 2 is the most appropriate immunization portfolio because it is the only one that satisfies the following two criteria for immunizing a portfolio of multiple future outflows:

Money Duration: Money durations of all three possible immunizing portfolios match or closely match the money duration of the outflow portfolio. Matching money durations is useful because the market values and cash flow yields of the immunizing portfolio and the outflow portfolio are not necessarily equal.

Convexity: Given that the money duration requirement is met by all three possible immunizing portfolios, the portfolio with the lowest convexity that is above the outflow portfolio’s convexity of 135.142 should be selected.

The dispersion, as measured by convexity, of the immunizing portfolio should be as low as possible subject to being greater than or equal to the dispersion of the outflow portfolio. This will minimize the effect of non-parallel shifts in the yield curve.

Portfolio 3’s convexity of 132.865 is less than the outflow portfolio’s convexity, so Portfolio 3 is not appropriate. Both Portfolio 1 and Portfolio 2 have convexities that exceed the convexity of the outflow portfolio, but Portfolio 2’s convexity of 139.851 is lower than Portfolio 1’s convexity of 147.640. Therefore, Portfolio 2 is the most appropriate immunizing portfolio.

The immunizing portfolio needs to be greater than the convexity (and dispersion) of the outflow portfolio. But, the convexity of the immunizing portfolio should be minimized in order to minimize dispersion and reduce structural risk.

multiple liability immunization:

1. PVa ≥ PVl

2.BPVa ≈ BPVl

3.Convexity a ≥ Convexity l

老师,这三个条件中,最重要的是哪一个起决定性判断作用的?且如何界定closely match的范围?

比如这道题,money duration与负债的特征值相差范围非常大7-280





1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2024年08月07日


PVA ≥ PVL,资产Convexity>负债Convexity,这两个是硬条件必须满足。


不过有很多题目不会给PV的条件,没给就默认满足。BPV和Macaulay duration的条件是近似即可。

且如何界定closely match的范围?

看基数。像这道题使用的是money duration,本身这个指标的基数就很大,所以差200多可以接受。

比如,负债的Money duration是$2,609,700,Portfolio 1的money duration是2,609,981

Portfolio 2的money duration是2,609,442,Portfolio 3的money duration是2,609,707

拿到这组数字,其实不太好判断多大的BPV差异能接受。但观察了一下Portfolio 3,发现他与负债的BPV差异只有7,所以优先检验一下这个组合是否能做duration-matching,所以再额外看了convexity,发现他的convexity小于负债convexity,于是直接排除。

Portfolio 1,2和负债的BPV差异差不多都是200多,所以只能认为两者的BPV差异都满足要求,否则这道题就没答案了。通过BPV无法排除Portfolio 1,2,只能进一步用convexity进行筛选了。

对于200多万的money duration,差异是几百是可以接受的哈。

这块没有一个严格的标准判断多大差异算closely match,但题目一定会给几个备选组合,可以用备选组合之间的数据对比来找最优,先排除convexity和PV不满足条件的,然后再对比BPV,排除掉BPV差距最大的,剩下的就是最优组合。一定只有一个最优可以选出来。

另外需要注意,最后一个条件在asset convexity大于liability convexity的基础上,要额外找asset convexity尽可能小的。因为有时候会有2个组合的BPV和convexity都满足条件,这时候就得convexity最小的。

洁1017 · 2024年08月07日


发亮_品职助教 · 2024年08月08日


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NO.PZ2023032703000036 问题如下 Chaopraya is investment aisor for high-net-worth invials. One of her clients, Schuylkill Cy, plans to funher granon’s college ecation anconsirs two options:Option 1 Contribute a lump sum of $300,000 in 10 years.Option 2 Contribute four level annupayments of $76,500 starting in 10 years.The granon will start college in 10 years. seeks to immunize the contribution toy.annow scuss Option 2. estimates the present value of the four future cash flows $230,372, with a money ration of $2,609,700 anconvexity of 135.142. She consirs three possible portfolios to immunize the future payments, presentein Exhibit 2.termine the most appropriate immunization portfolio in the Exhibit 2. Justify your cision. termine the most appropriate immunization portfolio in the Exhibit 2. (circle one)Portfolio 1 Portfolio 2 Portfolio 3Justify your response.Justification:Portfolio 2 is the most appropriate immunization portfolio because it is the only one thsatisfies the following two criteria for immunizing a portfolio of multiple future outflows:Money ration: Money rations of all three possible immunizing portfolios mator closely matthe money ration of the outflow portfolio. Matching money rations is useful because the market values ancash flow yiel of the immunizing portfolio anthe outflow portfolio are not necessarily equal.Convexity: Given ththe money ration requirement is met all three possible immunizing portfolios, the portfolio with the lowest convexity this above the outflow portfolio’s convexity of 135.142 shoulselecte The spersion, measureconvexity, of the immunizing portfolio shoullow possible subjeto being greater thor equto the spersion of the outflow portfolio. This will minimize the effeof non-parallel shifts in the yielcurve. Portfolio 3’s convexity of 132.865 is less ththe outflow portfolio’s convexity, so Portfolio 3 is not appropriate. Both Portfolio 1 anPortfolio 2 have convexities thexceethe convexity of the outflow portfolio, but Portfolio 2’s convexity of 139.851 is lower thPortfolio 1’s convexity of 147.640. Therefore, Portfolio 2 is the most appropriate immunizing portfolio. The immunizing portfolio nee to greater ththe convexity (anspersion) of the outflow portfolio. But, the convexity of the immunizing portfolio shoulminimizein orr to minimize spersion anrestructurrisk. 如题

2024-07-23 00:58 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023032703000036 问题如下 Chaopraya is investment aisor for high-net-worth invials. One of her clients, Schuylkill Cy, plans to funher granon’s college ecation anconsirs two options:Option 1 Contribute a lump sum of $300,000 in 10 years.Option 2 Contribute four level annupayments of $76,500 starting in 10 years.The granon will start college in 10 years. seeks to immunize the contribution toy.annow scuss Option 2. estimates the present value of the four future cash flows $230,372, with a money ration of $2,609,700 anconvexity of 135.142. She consirs three possible portfolios to immunize the future payments, presentein Exhibit 2.termine the most appropriate immunization portfolio in the Exhibit 2. Justify your cision. termine the most appropriate immunization portfolio in the Exhibit 2. (circle one)Portfolio 1 Portfolio 2 Portfolio 3Justify your response.Justification:Portfolio 2 is the most appropriate immunization portfolio because it is the only one thsatisfies the following two criteria for immunizing a portfolio of multiple future outflows:Money ration: Money rations of all three possible immunizing portfolios mator closely matthe money ration of the outflow portfolio. Matching money rations is useful because the market values ancash flow yiel of the immunizing portfolio anthe outflow portfolio are not necessarily equal.Convexity: Given ththe money ration requirement is met all three possible immunizing portfolios, the portfolio with the lowest convexity this above the outflow portfolio’s convexity of 135.142 shoulselecte The spersion, measureconvexity, of the immunizing portfolio shoullow possible subjeto being greater thor equto the spersion of the outflow portfolio. This will minimize the effeof non-parallel shifts in the yielcurve. Portfolio 3’s convexity of 132.865 is less ththe outflow portfolio’s convexity, so Portfolio 3 is not appropriate. Both Portfolio 1 anPortfolio 2 have convexities thexceethe convexity of the outflow portfolio, but Portfolio 2’s convexity of 139.851 is lower thPortfolio 1’s convexity of 147.640. Therefore, Portfolio 2 is the most appropriate immunizing portfolio. The immunizing portfolio nee to greater ththe convexity (anspersion) of the outflow portfolio. But, the convexity of the immunizing portfolio shoulminimizein orr to minimize spersion anrestructurrisk. 用money ration排除了Portfolio2,觉得不是closely match的,考试的时候怎么办啊,咋判断。。。。回答如下Portfolio 1 is the most appropriate immunization portfolio in the Exhibit 2.BPV: The BPV of the immunization portfolio shoulclosely matthe BPV of the multiple liability 2609700*0.0001=260.97。 The portfolio 1 anportfolio 3 is closely match,but portfolio 2 is not.Convexity the convexity of the immunization portfolio shoulno less ththe convexity of the multiple liability 135.142. The portfolio 3 is not appropriate, its convexity 132.865 is smaller.

2024-07-03 07:20 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023032703000036 问题如下 Chaopraya is investment aisor for high-net-worth invials. One of her clients, Schuylkill Cy, plans to funher granon’s college ecation anconsirs two options:Option 1 Contribute a lump sum of $300,000 in 10 years.Option 2 Contribute four level annupayments of $76,500 starting in 10 years.The granon will start college in 10 years. seeks to immunize the contribution toy.annow scuss Option 2. estimates the present value of the four future cash flows $230,372, with a money ration of $2,609,700 anconvexity of 135.142. She consirs three possible portfolios to immunize the future payments, presentein Exhibit 2.termine the most appropriate immunization portfolio in the Exhibit 2. Justify your cision. termine the most appropriate immunization portfolio in the Exhibit 2. (circle one)Portfolio 1 Portfolio 2 Portfolio 3Justify your response.Justification:Portfolio 2 is the most appropriate immunization portfolio because it is the only one thsatisfies the following two criteria for immunizing a portfolio of multiple future outflows:Money ration: Money rations of all three possible immunizing portfolios mator closely matthe money ration of the outflow portfolio. Matching money rations is useful because the market values ancash flow yiel of the immunizing portfolio anthe outflow portfolio are not necessarily equal.Convexity: Given ththe money ration requirement is met all three possible immunizing portfolios, the portfolio with the lowest convexity this above the outflow portfolio’s convexity of 135.142 shoulselecte The spersion, measureconvexity, of the immunizing portfolio shoullow possible subjeto being greater thor equto the spersion of the outflow portfolio. This will minimize the effeof non-parallel shifts in the yielcurve. Portfolio 3’s convexity of 132.865 is less ththe outflow portfolio’s convexity, so Portfolio 3 is not appropriate. Both Portfolio 1 anPortfolio 2 have convexities thexceethe convexity of the outflow portfolio, but Portfolio 2’s convexity of 139.851 is lower thPortfolio 1’s convexity of 147.640. Therefore, Portfolio 2 is the most appropriate immunizing portfolio. The immunizing portfolio nee to greater ththe convexity (anspersion) of the outflow portfolio. But, the convexity of the immunizing portfolio shoulminimizein orr to minimize spersion anrestructurrisk. 请问老师这是对应讲义上的CFM吗?如果是的话,CFM中有关ration的条件里有说明是是m是money ration?还是在特定场景下都可以?

2024-06-29 17:39 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023032703000036 问题如下 Chaopraya is investment aisor for high-net-worth invials. One of her clients, Schuylkill Cy, plans to funher granon’s college ecation anconsirs two options:Option 1 Contribute a lump sum of $300,000 in 10 years.Option 2 Contribute four level annupayments of $76,500 starting in 10 years.The granon will start college in 10 years. seeks to immunize the contribution toy.annow scuss Option 2. estimates the present value of the four future cash flows $230,372, with a money ration of $2,609,700 anconvexity of 135.142. She consirs three possible portfolios to immunize the future payments, presentein Exhibit 2.termine the most appropriate immunization portfolio in the Exhibit 2. Justify your cision. termine the most appropriate immunization portfolio in the Exhibit 2. (circle one)Portfolio 1 Portfolio 2 Portfolio 3Justify your response.Justification:Portfolio 2 is the most appropriate immunization portfolio because it is the only one thsatisfies the following two criteria for immunizing a portfolio of multiple future outflows:Money ration: Money rations of all three possible immunizing portfolios mator closely matthe money ration of the outflow portfolio. Matching money rations is useful because the market values ancash flow yiel of the immunizing portfolio anthe outflow portfolio are not necessarily equal.Convexity: Given ththe money ration requirement is met all three possible immunizing portfolios, the portfolio with the lowest convexity this above the outflow portfolio’s convexity of 135.142 shoulselecte The spersion, measureconvexity, of the immunizing portfolio shoullow possible subjeto being greater thor equto the spersion of the outflow portfolio. This will minimize the effeof non-parallel shifts in the yielcurve. Portfolio 3’s convexity of 132.865 is less ththe outflow portfolio’s convexity, so Portfolio 3 is not appropriate. Both Portfolio 1 anPortfolio 2 have convexities thexceethe convexity of the outflow portfolio, but Portfolio 2’s convexity of 139.851 is lower thPortfolio 1’s convexity of 147.640. Therefore, Portfolio 2 is the most appropriate immunizing portfolio. The immunizing portfolio nee to greater ththe convexity (anspersion) of the outflow portfolio. But, the convexity of the immunizing portfolio shoulminimizein orr to minimize spersion anrestructurrisk. Portffolio 2 asset Money ration shoulhave similor higher amount money ration convexity nee to larger ththe liability convexity, however PF 1 hlarger convexity thPF2, therefore we choose PF 2 for min spersion

2024-01-28 00:55 1 · 回答