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宋宋 · 2018年09月12日

问一道题:NO.PZ2018062016000002 [ CFA I ]

这里的default risk premium是什么意思?








1 个答案

菲菲_品职助教 · 2018年09月12日

同学你好,default risk premium指的是违约风险溢价。在这道题目中,Bond A是AAA级别,Bond B是B+级别,这里的级别指的是信用评级。Bond A的级别属于高质量债券,信用比较好,所以违约风险较低;而Bond B的级别属于高收益债券,又称为垃圾债券,信用评级低,信用较差,违约风险较高。所以这两个债券之间最有可能存在的是违约风险溢价。 

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NO.PZ2018062016000002问题如下 Company XYZ issues two one-yebon the same time. BonA is rateAgra while BonB is gra. The most likely risk premium between the two bon is: A.maturity risk premiumB.inflation rateC.fault risk premium C is correct. Agra angra is the cret rating of the bon. A bonwith triple A gra is high quality bon ana bonwith gra is high yielbon(or junk bon. BonA anBonB are similexcept for the cret rating. Therefore, the most likely risk premium in this question is fault risk premium.这是一个提问测试测试

2023-05-07 16:20 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062016000002 问题如下 Company XYZ issues two one-yebon the same time. BonA is rateAgra while BonB is gra. The most likely risk premium between the two bon is: A.maturity risk premium B.inflation rate C.fault risk premium C is correct. Agra angra is the cret rating of the bon. A bonwith triple A gra is high quality bon ana bonwith gra is high yielbon(or junk bon. BonA anBonB are similexcept for the cret rating. Therefore, the most likely risk premium in this question is fault risk premium. Cret RP 和 fault RP 一样吗?

2022-11-06 16:13 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062016000002问题如下 Company XYZ issues two one-yebon the same time. BonA is rateAgra while BonB is gra. The most likely risk premium between the two bon is: A.maturity risk premiumB.inflation rateC.fault risk premium C is correct. Agra angra is the cret rating of the bon. A bonwith triple A gra is high quality bon ana bonwith gra is high yielbon(or junk bon. BonA anBonB are similexcept for the cret rating. Therefore, the most likely risk premium in this question is fault risk premium.請問這2個債券既然都是company xyz (同一公司)同時間發行、相同期限的債券,為何fault risk 還會有差異呢? 謝謝

2022-10-01 09:00 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062016000002 inflation rate fault risk premium C is correct. Agra angra is the cret rating of the bon. A bonwith triple A gra is high quality bon ana bonwith gra is high yielbon(or junk bon. BonA anBonB are similexcept for the cret rating. Therefore, the most likely risk premium in this question is fault risk premium. 还是没有太理解为什么不是maturity rate

2022-03-07 18:23 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062016000002 inflation rate fault risk premium C is correct. Agra angra is the cret rating of the bon. A bonwith triple A gra is high quality bon ana bonwith gra is high yielbon(or junk bon. BonA anBonB are similexcept for the cret rating. Therefore, the most likely risk premium in this question is fault risk premium.the most likely的意思不是最相同的意思吗,那应该选maturity啊

2022-01-22 09:06 1 · 回答