What options positions are necessary to build a short position in a box spread?
Suppose K2 > K1 , A long box spread is created by buying a call with strike price K1 , selling a call with strike price K2, buying a put with strike price K2, and selling a put with strike price K1. A short box spread is therefore created by selling a call with strike price K1 , buying a call with strike price K2, selling a put with strike price K2, and buying a put with strike price K1 . All options have the same time to maturity.
老师好,麻烦解释一下题目及答案。另外讲义上的各类策略是否都按照long的头寸写的?好像完全没提头寸的问题,对于构建box spread的本质用于套利,前提是有套利机会,那么short box spread的目的又是啥?