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雨洁🦄 · 2024年07月25日

怎么理解netting attribution risk



Sushil Wallace is the chief investment officer of a large pension fund. Wallace wants to increase the pension fund’s allocation to hedge funds and recently met with three hedge fund managers. These hedge funds focus on the following strategies:

Hedge Fund B: Multi-Manager—Multi-strategy fund

Hedge Fund C: Multi-Manager—Fund-of-funds

Discuss two advantages of Hedge Fund B relative to Hedge Fund C with respect to investment characteristics.


A Multi-strategy managers like Hedge Fund B can reallocate capital into different strategy areas more quickly and efficiently than would be possible by a fund-of-funds (FoF) manager like Hedge Fund C. The multi-strategy manager has full transparency and a better picture of the interactions of the different teams’ portfolio risks than would ever be possible for FoF managers to achieve. Consequently, the multi-strategy manager can react faster to different real-time market impacts—for example, by rapidly increasing or decreasing leverage within different strategies depending upon the perceived riskiness of available opportunities.

B The fees paid by investors in a multi-strategy fund can be structured in a number of ways, some of which can be very attractive when compared to the FoFs’ added fee layering and netting risk attributes. Conceptually, FoF investors always face netting risk, whereby they are responsible for paying performance fees due to winning underlying funds while suffering return drag from the performance of losing underlying funds. Even if the FoF’s overall performance is flat or down, FoF investors must still pay incentive fees due to the managers of winning funds.

怎么理解netting attribution risk

1 个答案

伯恩_品职助教 · 2024年07月25日


同学,请问你是要提问的是netting risk attributes吗?


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NO.PZ2023010407000018 问题如下 Sushil Wallais the chief investment officer of a large pensionfun Wallawants to increase the pension funs allocation to hee funanrecently met with three hee funmanagers. These hee fun focus on thefollowing strategies: Hee FunMulti-Manager—Multi-strategy funHee FunMulti-Manager—Funof-fun scuss two aantages of Hee FunB relative to Hee FunC withrespeto investment characteristics. A Multi-strategy managers like Hee FunB creallocate capitalinto fferent strategy aremore quickly anefficiently thwoulbepossible a funof-fun (FoF) manager like Hee FunThe multi-strategymanager hfull transparenana better picture of the interactions of the fferentteams’ portfolio risks thwoulever possible for FoF managers to achieve.Consequently, the multi-strategy manager creafaster to fferentreal-time market impacts—for example, rapiy increasing or creasingleverage within fferent strategies penng upon the perceiveriskiness ofavailable opportunities. B The fees paiinvestors in a multi-strategy funcbestructurein a number of ways, some of whicvery attractive whencompareto the FoFs’ aefee layering annetting risk attributes.Conceptually, FoF investors always fanetting risk, wherethey areresponsible for paying performanfees e to winning unrlying fun whilesuffering return from the performanof losing unrlying fun. Even ifthe FoF’s overall performanis flor wn, FoF investors must still payincentive fees e to the managers of winning fun. 请问这样回答会扣分么?(1) frieny fee structure for investors(2)faster reaction to market contion change

2024-07-27 16:47 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023010407000018 问题如下 Sushil Wallais the chief investment officer of a large pensionfun Wallawants to increase the pension funs allocation to hee funanrecently met with three hee funmanagers. These hee fun focus on thefollowing strategies: Hee FunMulti-Manager—Multi-strategy funHee FunMulti-Manager—Funof-fun scuss two aantages of Hee FunB relative to Hee FunC withrespeto investment characteristics. A Multi-strategy managers like Hee FunB creallocate capitalinto fferent strategy aremore quickly anefficiently thwoulbepossible a funof-fun (FoF) manager like Hee FunThe multi-strategymanager hfull transparenana better picture of the interactions of the fferentteams’ portfolio risks thwoulever possible for FoF managers to achieve.Consequently, the multi-strategy manager creafaster to fferentreal-time market impacts—for example, rapiy increasing or creasingleverage within fferent strategies penng upon the perceiveriskiness ofavailable opportunities. B The fees paiinvestors in a multi-strategy funcbestructurein a number of ways, some of whicvery attractive whencompareto the FoFs’ aefee layering annetting risk attributes.Conceptually, FoF investors always fanetting risk, wherethey areresponsible for paying performanfees e to winning unrlying fun whilesuffering return from the performanof losing unrlying fun. Even ifthe FoF’s overall performanis flor wn, FoF investors must still payincentive fees e to the managers of winning fun. 请问老师这样答可以不

2024-01-10 19:17 1 · 回答