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Rachel · 2024年07月25日




An advantage of a returns-based style analysis is that such analysis:



is comparable across managers.


is suitable for portfolios that contain illiquid securities.


can effectively profile a manager’s risk exposures using a short return series.


A is correct.

Returns-based style analysis on portfolios of liquid assets is generally able to identify the important drivers of return and the relevant risk factors for the period analyzed, even for complicated strategies. In addition, the process is comparable across managers and through time. If the portfolio contains illiquid securities, the lack of current prices on those positions may lead to an underestimation of the portfolio’s volatility in a returns-based style analysis. Longer return series generally provide a more accurate estimate of the manager’s underlying standard deviation of return.


1 个答案

吴昊_品职助教 · 2024年07月25日


这道题考的是 returns-based style analysis的优缺点,参考基础班讲义P214和215,选项A和B都是讲义上的直接表述。

选项C:我们得有一段时间的历史数据,才能精准地给出基金经理收益标准差的估计。回归的数据越多,估计得越准确。所以C不正确, 应该是using a long return series。


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NO.PZ2019093001000018 问题如下 aantage of a returns-basestyle analysis is thsuanalysis: A.is comparable across managers. B.is suitable for portfolios thcontain illiquisecurities. C.ceffectively profile a manager’s risk exposures using a short return series. A is correct. Returns-basestyle analysis on portfolios of liquiassets is generally able to intify the important ivers of return anthe relevant risk factors for the perioanalyze even for complicatestrategies. In aition, the process is comparable across managers anthrough time. If the portfolio contains illiquisecurities, the laof current prices on those positions mleto unrestimation of the portfolio’s volatility in a returns-basestyle analysis. Longer return series generally provi a more accurate estimate of the manager’s unrlying stanrviation of return. 强化班讲义P30 ,这里又是需要大量的数据

2023-07-25 09:54 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019093001000018问题如下aantage of a returns-basestyle analysis is thsuanalysis:A.is comparable across managers.B.is suitable for portfolios thcontain illiquisecurities.C.ceffectively profile a manager’s risk exposures using a short return series.A is correct. Returns-basestyle analysis on portfolios of liquiassets is generally able to intify the important ivers of return anthe relevant risk factors for the perioanalyze even for complicatestrategies. In aition, the process is comparable across managers anthrough time. If the portfolio contains illiquisecurities, the laof current prices on those positions mleto unrestimation of the portfolio’s volatility in a returns-basestyle analysis. Longer return series generally provi a more accurate estimate of the manager’s unrlying stanrviation of return.当有 illiquiasset的时候,return base和 holng base 是不是都表现出劣势?

2022-08-02 21:23 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019093001000018 讲义上Holng base也是说comparable across manager anthrough. 请一下A

2021-10-22 10:50 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019093001000018 is suitable for portfolios thcontain illiquisecurities. ceffectively profile a manager’s risk exposures using a short return series. A is correct. Returns-basestyle analysis on portfolios of liquiassets is generally able to intify the important ivers of return anthe relevant risk factors for the perioanalyze even for complicatestrategies. In aition, the process is comparable across managers anthrough time. If the portfolio contains illiquisecurities, the laof current prices on those positions mleto unrestimation of the portfolio’s volatility in a returns-basestyle analysis. Longer return series generally provi a more accurate estimate of the manager’s unrlying stanrviation of return. 请问,B错在哪里呢

2021-10-17 22:46 1 · 回答