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Jwang · 2024年07月21日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干



The majority of the Gondos’ wealth is in the form of illiquid shares of a family-owned business. Bert is concerned about a lack of liquidity to pay estate taxes upon his death. He does not want the family to be forced to sell shares to pay the taxes and he wants to minimize estate taxes. Bert consults with the investment advisor, who recommends that Bert consider purchasing a life insurance policy on himself. The investment advisor notes that death benefit proceeds paid to life insurance beneficiaries are tax exempt.

Discuss two benefits, specific to the Gondos’ circumstances, of Bert purchasing the life insurance policy.



Life insurance can be used as a planning tool in which the policy holder transfers assets (via premiums) to an insurer. The insurer has a contractual obligation to pay death benefit proceeds to the beneficiaries named in the policy.

The purchase of a life insurance policy on himself would provide Bert and his family with the following two benefits:

Upon Bert’s death, the death benefit proceeds could be used to pay estate taxes. Having the insurance policy proceeds addresses Bert’s concerns about a potential lack of liquidity to pay estate taxes upon his death, and for possibly having to sell shares of the family-owned business.

The payment of insurance premiums would serve to reduce the value of the estate, which would result in lower future estate taxes, particularly since death benefit proceeds paid to life insurance beneficiaries are tax exempt.

老师好,为什么The payment of insurance premiums would serve to reduce the value of the estate?首先他的遗产是illiquid stock,并不能直接pay寿险premium,所以premium不应该降低value of the estate,其次一般来讲保险的保费和遗产相比应该非常小吧?能通过用付保费降低遗产value导致少交高昂的遗产税吗?

1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2024年07月22日


  • Bert的财富主要是不易变现的家族企业股份。
  • Bert担心去世后遗产税支付问题,不希望家族被迫出售股份来缴税。
  • 投资顾问建议购买生命保险,因为保险受益金是免税的。


  • 现金流影响:虽然Bert的遗产主要是不易变现的股份,但他可能通过其他流动资产(如现金、银行存款等)来支付保险保费。这些流动资产的减少会直接影响遗产的总价值。
  • 资产转移:购买保险实际上是一种资产转移行为,即将一部分资产(以保费的形式)转移给保险公司,以换取未来的保险保障。这种转移减少了遗产中的可征税资产。


  • 确实,相较于整个遗产价值,保险保费可能只是其中的一小部分。
  • 然而,遗产税的计算是基于遗产的总价值,任何能减少这一总价值的措施都可能带来显著的税收节省。
  • 因此,即使保费相对于遗产总额较小,它仍然可以在一定程度上降低遗产税的负担。


  • 支付保险保费确实会减少Bert可用于遗产的流动资产,从而降低遗产的总价值。
  • 这种降低可能并不显著,但在遗产税的计算中,任何减少遗产价值的措施都可能导致税收的显著减少。
  • 因此,购买生命保险作为遗产规划的一部分,既可以为家族提供流动性以支付遗产税,又可以通过减少遗产价值来降低未来的遗产税负担。

  • 1

  • 0

  • 87


NO.PZ202301041000002104 问题如下 The majority of the Gons’ wealth is in the form of illiquishares of a family-ownebusiness. Bert is concerneabout a laof liquity to pestate taxes upon his ath. He es not want the family to forceto sell shares to pthe taxes anhe wants to minimize estate taxes. Bert consults with the investment aisor, who recommen thBert consir purchasing a life insuranpolion himself. The investment aisor notes thath benefit procee paito life insuranbeneficiaries are texempt. scuss two benefits, specific to the Gons’ circumstances, of Bert purchasing the life insuranpolicy. Life insurancbeusea planning tool in whithe poliholr transfers assets (viapremiums) to insurer. The insurer ha contractuobligation to pathbenefit procee to the beneficiaries namein the policy. The purchase of alife insuranpolion himself woulprovi Bert anhis family with thefollowing two benefits: • Upon Bert’s ath, the ath benefit procee couluseo pestate taxes. Having the insuranpoliprocee aresses Bert’sconcerns about a potentilaof liquity to pestate taxes upon hisath, anfor possibly having to sell shares of the family-ownebusiness.• The payment of insuranpremiums woulserve to rethevalue of the estate, whiwoulresult in lower future estate taxes,particularly sinath benefit procee paito life insuranbeneficiariesare texempt. 老师,答案的这个,没太懂。因为我写的2个好处的角度是1、寿险的理赔给受益人是免税的;2、寿险作为商业合同,不涉及被定义为遗产,所以outsi of probate process。可以么?当流动性差的集中型股权,想要作为遗产,又想尽可能避税,我们学到的不就是寿险作为遗产转移避税工具,理赔金额可以直接定义为遗产金额,不需要将集中型的股权变现,理赔金额给受益人不是免税的么?为什么答案里又说“The ath benefit procee couluseto pestate taxes”?

2024-07-21 16:13 1 · 回答