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Mia Li · 2024年07月20日

callable bond凸性变负

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A fall in interest rates would most likely result in:



a decrease in the effective duration of Bond #3.


Bond #3 having more upside potential than Bond #2.


a change in the effective convexity of Bond #3 from positive to negative.


Correct Answer: B

A fall in interest rates results in a rise in bond values. For a callable bond such as Bond #2, the upside potential is capped because the issuer is more likely to call the bond. In contrast, the upside potential for a putable bond such as Bond #3 is uncapped. Thus, a fall in interest rates would result in a putable bond having more upside potential than an otherwise identical callable bond. Note that A is incorrect because the effective duration of a putable bond increases, not decreases, with a fall in interest rates—the bond is less likely to be put and thus behaves more like an option-free bond. C is also incorrect because the effective convexity of a putable bond is always positive. It is the effective convexity of a callable bond that will change from positive to negative if interest rates fall and the call option is near the money.

请问为什么callable bond near at the money凸性变负

1 个答案

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2024年07月21日

同学你好,因为callable bond会赋予发行债券的人call 回债券的权利,也就是利率越低(债券价格越高)的时候,他们会行使这个权利赎回债券然后以更低的利率发新债券。那么此时债券价格是不会随着利率下降而下跌的,因此凸性可能为负。