Mike reads a report titled “International Trade,” which has three sections about Genovia’spolicies and regulations.
The first section of the report discusses policies that legislators may implement to accomplish Genovia’s objective of promoting free trade on industrial goods.
The second section of the report covers corporate domicile. Stephenson learns that regulators in Genovia recently amended regulations to encourage foreign businesses to move their corporate domicile to Genovia.
The third section of the report reviews the regulation of commerce. Genovia’s goal is to establish an environment that encourages foreign businesses to increase trade with domestic businesses.
Mike considers two features of Genovia’s regulation of commerce.
Feature 1 Recent court decisions have upheld financial liability and bankruptcy laws.
Feature 2 A legal structure is in place governing contracts and each party’s rights.
Which of the following policies would best address Genovia’s objective of promoting free trade on industrial goods?
A.Imposing tariffs on foreign-produced goods B.Allowing a floating currency C.Providing subsidies to domestic companies解释:
B is correct. A floating currency allows international trade in Genovia to be market-based. International disputes about whether a country is manipulating or fixing its currency price often center on issues related to competitiveness.
C 不可以嗎