开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


yj2640 · 2024年07月18日

Fixed income manager vs. 公司manager



Macondo Institutional Asset Management has been managing equity, fixed-income, and balanced accounts since 2007. The firm became GIPS-compliant on 1 January 2012 and has prepared GIPS Composite Reports using time- weighted returns for the 2007–2019 period. Fixed-income performance was poor prior to 2015, when a new team of managers was brought on board. When Jorge Garcia joins Macondo as marketing director in June 2020, he suggests showing performance starting with calendar 2015, the first year that performance started to improve. He proposes to show composites with returns for the five calendar years 2015 through 2019. Does this course of action comply with the GIPS standards?



The GIPS standards require that when a firm initially claims compliance with the GIPS standards, it must present at least five years of GIPS-compliant performance (or for the period since the composite inception date if the composite has been in existence less than five years). After presenting a minimum of five years of GIPS-compliant performance (or for the period since the composite inception date if the composite has been in existence less than five years), the firm must present an additional year of performance each year, building up to a minimum of 10 years of GIPS-compliant performance. In 2020, Macondo must present performance from 2010 through 2019. Macondo Institutional Asset Management thus cannot drop the years prior to 2015 at the time Garcia suggests it do so. In addition to violating a specific requirement, Garcia’s suggestion was not in the spirit of fair representation and full disclosure of performance. The firm may eliminate returns from more than 10 years ago from its GIPS Report, as long as it continues to show at least the most recent 10 years. It is recommended, however, that Macondo show its entire GIPS-compliant performance record.

GIPS 标准要求,当一家公司最初声称符合 GIPS 标准时,它必须提供至少五年的 GIPS 合规绩效(或者如果composite的存在时间少于五年,则在composite开始日期后的这段时间内)。在展示了至少五年的 GIPS 合规业绩(或自composite成立之日起的期间,如果composite成立不到五年),公司必须每年提供额外一年的业绩,累积到至少 10 年才符合 GIPS 标准的。因此在 2020 年,Macondo 必须展示 2010 年到 2019 年的业绩。Macondo 机构资产管理公司不能按照 Garcia 的建议不展示2015 年之前的年份业绩。除了违反特定要求外,Garcia的建议不符合公平代表和全面披露业绩的精神。该公司可以从其 GIPS 报告中剔除 10 多年前的回报,只要它至少继续显示最近 10 年。但是,建议 Macondo 显示其完整符合 GIPS 标准的业绩记录。。


  1. fixed income是一个composite吗?感觉这个team可以自己做investment decision呀?它能不能说自己是GIPS compliant的?
  2. 如果FI team是独立遵守GIPS的,中间2015年换了manager,是不是能从2015年开始报业绩,前面无所谓?
2 个答案

伯恩_品职助教 · 2024年07月18日


  1. fixed income是一个composite吗?——是的
  2. 感觉这个team可以自己做investment decision呀?——可以的
  3. 它能不能说自己是GIPS compliant的?——不能,需要满足下面的条件,我举例吧,比如固收团队不是一个法律实体 legal entity,

  1. 如果FI team是独立遵守GIPS的,中间2015年换了manager,是不是能从2015年开始报业绩,前面无所谓?——不行,历史业绩不能删除


伯恩_品职助教 · 2024年07月19日


谢谢老师,请问legal entity如何理解?——法律实体是在法律上,“实体”通常是指一个有确定性和独立性的法律主体。例如企业、个人、政府机构等都可以被视为一个实体。




1. 独立责任:公司作为法律实体拥有自己的财务状况和负债,与其所有者是分开的。这意味着公司的债务通常不能由个人所有者承担,但也有一些例外情况。

2. 限制责任:有限责任公司(LLC)或股份有限公司(Ltd.)等公司形式可提供股东或成员的有限责任。这意味着在公司遇到法律纠纷或债务问题时,个人财产通常会受到保护,除非存在某种违法行为。

3. 契约权力:作为法律实体,公司可以拥有契约权力,与其他个人或实体进行法律交易。公司可以签订合同、购买资产、从事贸易活动等,并能够独立承担这些法律义务。

4. 财务和税务独立性:作为法律实体,公司需要在财务和税务方面独立记录和申报。公司自己拥有银行账户、财务报表和税务义务,这与其个人所有者是分开的。

5. 持久存在:公司作为法律实体可以在法律上存在多年甚至数代人。即使公司的所有者或高管变更,公司仍然可以继续运营并保留其法律地位。


这个概念为什么会影响“autonomy over the investment decision making"?——法律实体和这个不是因果关系,是并列关系,


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NO.PZ2022010501000018 问题如下 Macon InstitutionAsset Management hbeen managing equity, fixeincome, anbalanceaccounts sin2007. The firm became GIPS-compliant on 1 January 2012 anhprepareGIPS Composite Reports using time- weightereturns for the 2007–2019 perio Fixeincome performanwpoor prior to 2015, when a new teof managers wbrought on boar When Jorge Garcia joins Macon marketing rector in June 2020, he suggests showing performanstarting with calenr 2015, the first yethperformanstarteto improve. He proposes to show composites with returns for the five calenr years 2015 through 2019. es this course of action comply with the GIPS stanr? The GIPS stanr require thwhen a firm initially claims complianwith the GIPS stanr, it must present least five years of GIPS-compliant performan(or for the periosinthe composite inception te if the composite hbeen in existenless thfive years). After presenting a minimum of five years of GIPS-compliant performan(or for the periosinthe composite inception te if the composite hbeen in existenless thfive years), the firm must present aitionyeof performaneayear, builng up to a minimum of 10 years of GIPS-compliant performance. In 2020, Macon must present performanfrom 2010 through 2019. Macon InstitutionAsset Management thus cannot op the years prior to 2015 the time Garcia suggests it so. In aition to violating a specific requirement, Garcia’s suggestion wnot in the spirit of fair representation anfull sclosure of performance. The firm meliminate returns from more th10 years ago from its GIPS Report, long it continues to show least the most recent 10 years. It is recommen however, thMacon show its entire GIPS-compliant performanrecor GIPS 标准要求,当一家公司最初声称符合 GIPS 标准时,它必须提供至少五年的 GIPS 合规绩效(或者如果composite的存在时间少于五年,则在composite开始日期后的这段时间内)。在展示了至少五年的 GIPS 合规业绩(或自composite成立之日起的期间,如果composite成立不到五年),公司必须每年提供额外一年的业绩,累积到至少 10 年才符合 GIPS 标准的。因此在 2020 年,Macon 必须展示 2010 年到 2019 年的业绩。Macon 机构资产管理公司不能按照 Garcia 的建议不展示2015 年之前的年份业绩。除了违反特定要求外,Garcia的建议不符合公平代表和全面披露业绩的精神。该公司可以从其 GIPS 报告中剔除 10 多年前的回报,只要它至少继续显示最近 10 年。但是,建议 Macon 显示其完整符合 GIPS 标准的业绩记录。。 有least5年了 所以也算是符合?

2024-08-09 17:23 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022010501000018 问题如下 Macon InstitutionAsset Management hbeen managing equity, fixeincome, anbalanceaccounts sin2007. The firm became GIPS-compliant on 1 January 2012 anhprepareGIPS Composite Reports using time- weightereturns for the 2007–2019 perio Fixeincome performanwpoor prior to 2015, when a new teof managers wbrought on boar When Jorge Garcia joins Macon marketing rector in June 2020, he suggests showing performanstarting with calenr 2015, the first yethperformanstarteto improve. He proposes to show composites with returns for the five calenr years 2015 through 2019. es this course of action comply with the GIPS stanr? The GIPS stanr require thwhen a firm initially claims complianwith the GIPS stanr, it must present least five years of GIPS-compliant performan(or for the periosinthe composite inception te if the composite hbeen in existenless thfive years). After presenting a minimum of five years of GIPS-compliant performan(or for the periosinthe composite inception te if the composite hbeen in existenless thfive years), the firm must present aitionyeof performaneayear, builng up to a minimum of 10 years of GIPS-compliant performance. In 2020, Macon must present performanfrom 2010 through 2019. Macon InstitutionAsset Management thus cannot op the years prior to 2015 the time Garcia suggests it so. In aition to violating a specific requirement, Garcia’s suggestion wnot in the spirit of fair representation anfull sclosure of performance. The firm meliminate returns from more th10 years ago from its GIPS Report, long it continues to show least the most recent 10 years. It is recommen however, thMacon show its entire GIPS-compliant performanrecor GIPS 标准要求,当一家公司最初声称符合 GIPS 标准时,它必须提供至少五年的 GIPS 合规绩效(或者如果composite的存在时间少于五年,则在composite开始日期后的这段时间内)。在展示了至少五年的 GIPS 合规业绩(或自composite成立之日起的期间,如果composite成立不到五年),公司必须每年提供额外一年的业绩,累积到至少 10 年才符合 GIPS 标准的。因此在 2020 年,Macon 必须展示 2010 年到 2019 年的业绩。Macon 机构资产管理公司不能按照 Garcia 的建议不展示2015 年之前的年份业绩。除了违反特定要求外,Garcia的建议不符合公平代表和全面披露业绩的精神。该公司可以从其 GIPS 报告中剔除 10 多年前的回报,只要它至少继续显示最近 10 年。但是,建议 Macon 显示其完整符合 GIPS 标准的业绩记录。。 1.这样回答对吗?Yes. GIPS requires to show least 5 years' performance.If the life of the funis less th5 years, then sininception.2.这道题5年就够是因为他们的new pm team是2015才来的,所以相当于是inception. 所以2015开始其实是够的?

2024-06-07 12:25 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2022010501000018 问题如下 Macon InstitutionAsset Management hbeen managing equity, fixeincome, anbalanceaccounts sin2007. The firm became GIPS-compliant on 1 January 2012 anhprepareGIPS Composite Reports using time- weightereturns for the 2007–2019 perio Fixeincome performanwpoor prior to 2015, when a new teof managers wbrought on boar When Jorge Garcia joins Macon marketing rector in June 2020, he suggests showing performanstarting with calenr 2015, the first yethperformanstarteto improve. He proposes to show composites with returns for the five calenr years 2015 through 2019. es this course of action comply with the GIPS stanr? The GIPS stanr require thwhen a firm initially claims complianwith the GIPS stanr, it must present least five years of GIPS-compliant performan(or for the periosinthe composite inception te if the composite hbeen in existenless thfive years). After presenting a minimum of five years of GIPS-compliant performan(or for the periosinthe composite inception te if the composite hbeen in existenless thfive years), the firm must present aitionyeof performaneayear, builng up to a minimum of 10 years of GIPS-compliant performance. In 2020, Macon must present performanfrom 2010 through 2019. Macon InstitutionAsset Management thus cannot op the years prior to 2015 the time Garcia suggests it so. In aition to violating a specific requirement, Garcia’s suggestion wnot in the spirit of fair representation anfull sclosure of performance. The firm meliminate returns from more th10 years ago from its GIPS Report, long it continues to show least the most recent 10 years. It is recommen however, thMacon show its entire GIPS-compliant performanrecor GIPS 标准要求,当一家公司最初声称符合 GIPS 标准时,它必须提供至少五年的 GIPS 合规绩效(或者如果composite的存在时间少于五年,则在composite开始日期后的这段时间内)。在展示了至少五年的 GIPS 合规业绩(或自composite成立之日起的期间,如果composite成立不到五年),公司必须每年提供额外一年的业绩,累积到至少 10 年才符合 GIPS 标准的。因此在 2020 年,Macon 必须展示 2010 年到 2019 年的业绩。Macon 机构资产管理公司不能按照 Garcia 的建议不展示2015 年之前的年份业绩。除了违反特定要求外,Garcia的建议不符合公平代表和全面披露业绩的精神。该公司可以从其 GIPS 报告中剔除 10 多年前的回报,只要它至少继续显示最近 10 年。但是,建议 Macon 显示其完整符合 GIPS 标准的业绩记录。。 所以到底是5年还是10年符合规定呢,有点不太理解GIPS所说的关于这条的规定,请老师详细解答一下

2024-03-19 21:17 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022010501000018 问题如下 Macon InstitutionAsset Management hbeen managing equity, fixeincome, anbalanceaccounts sin2007. The firm became GIPS-compliant on 1 January 2012 anhprepareGIPS Composite Reports using time- weightereturns for the 2007–2019 perio Fixeincome performanwpoor prior to 2015, when a new teof managers wbrought on boar When Jorge Garcia joins Macon marketing rector in June 2020, he suggests showing performanstarting with calenr 2015, the first yethperformanstarteto improve. He proposes to show composites with returns for the five calenr years 2015 through 2019. es this course of action comply with the GIPS stanr? The GIPS stanr require thwhen a firm initially claims complianwith the GIPS stanr, it must present least five years of GIPS-compliant performan(or for the periosinthe composite inception te if the composite hbeen in existenless thfive years). After presenting a minimum of five years of GIPS-compliant performan(or for the periosinthe composite inception te if the composite hbeen in existenless thfive years), the firm must present aitionyeof performaneayear, builng up to a minimum of 10 years of GIPS-compliant performance. In 2020, Macon must present performanfrom 2010 through 2019. Macon InstitutionAsset Management thus cannot op the years prior to 2015 the time Garcia suggests it so. In aition to violating a specific requirement, Garcia’s suggestion wnot in the spirit of fair representation anfull sclosure of performance. The firm meliminate returns from more th10 years ago from its GIPS Report, long it continues to show least the most recent 10 years. It is recommen however, thMacon show its entire GIPS-compliant performanrecor GIPS 标准要求,当一家公司最初声称符合 GIPS 标准时,它必须提供至少五年的 GIPS 合规绩效(或者如果composite的存在时间少于五年,则在composite开始日期后的这段时间内)。在展示了至少五年的 GIPS 合规业绩(或自composite成立之日起的期间,如果composite成立不到五年),公司必须每年提供额外一年的业绩,累积到至少 10 年才符合 GIPS 标准的。因此在 2020 年,Macon 必须展示 2010 年到 2019 年的业绩。Macon 机构资产管理公司不能按照 Garcia 的建议不展示2015 年之前的年份业绩。除了违反特定要求外,Garcia的建议不符合公平代表和全面披露业绩的精神。该公司可以从其 GIPS 报告中剔除 10 多年前的回报,只要它至少继续显示最近 10 年。但是,建议 Macon 显示其完整符合 GIPS 标准的业绩记录。。 GIPS 一般不考主观题吧?

2023-05-08 22:26 1 · 回答