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🍀 · 2024年07月17日




Kloss Investments is an investment adviser whose clients are small institutional investors. Muskogh Charitable Foundation (the “Foundation”) is a client with $70 million of assets under management. The Foundation has a traditional asset allocation of 65% stocks/35% bonds. Risk and return characteristics for the Foundation’s current portfolio are presented in Panel A of Exhibit 1. Kloss’ CIO, Christine Singh, recommends to Muskogh’s investment committee that it should add a 10% allocation to hedge funds. The investment committee indicates to Singh that Muskogh’s primary considerations for the Foundation’s portfolio are that any hedge fund strategy allocation should: a) limit volatility, b) maximize risk-adjusted returns, and c) limit downside risk. Singh’s associate prepares expected risk and return characteristics for three portfolios that have allocations of 60% stocks, 30% bonds, and 10% hedge funds, where the 10% hedge fund allocation follows either an equity market-neutral, global macro, or convertible arbitrage strategy. The risk and return characteristics of the three portfolios are presented in Panel B of Exhibit 1.

Discuss which hedge fund strategy Singh should view as most suitable for meeting the considerations expressed by Muskogh’s investment committee.



Based on the investment committee’s considerations, Singh should view a 10% allocation to the global macro hedge fund strategy as most suitable for the Foundation. Such an allocation would result in a decrease in standard deviation (volatility) and significant increases in the combined portfolio’s Sharpe and Sortino ratios (these are the highest such ratios among the strategies presented). In addition, the lower maximum drawdown (15.0%) indicates less downside risk in the combined portfolio than with any of the other strategy choices.

Global macro should view as most suitable for meeting the considerations expressed by Muskogh’s investment committee. 

Muskogh’s primary considerations for the Foundation’s portfolio are that any hedge fund strategy allocation should: a) limit volatility, b) maximize risk-adjusted returns, and c) limit downside risk.

The Global macro hedge fund has the lowest standard deviation, indicating lower volatility; The Global macro hedge fund has the highest Sharpe ratio, indicating maximize risk-adjusted returns; The Global macro hedge fund has the highest Sortino ratio and the lowest maximum drawdown, indicating the lower downside risk.

1 个答案

伯恩_品职助教 · 2024年07月17日




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NO.PZ2023010407000021 问题如下 Kloss Investments is investment aiser whose clients are smallinstitutioninvestors. Muskogh Charitable Fountion (the “Fountion”) is aclient with $70 million of assets unr management. The Fountion hatrationasset allocation of 65% stocks/35% bon. Risk anreturncharacteristifor the Fountion’s current portfolio are presentein Panel Aof Exhibit 1. Kloss’ CIO, Christine Singh, recommen to Muskogh’sinvestment committee thit shoula a 10% allocation to hee fun. Theinvestment committee incates to Singh thMuskogh’s primary consirationsfor the Fountion’s portfolio are thany hee funstrategy allocationshoul limit volatility, maximize risk-austereturns, anlimitwnsi risk. Singh’s associate prepares expecterisk anreturncharacteristifor three portfolios thhave allocations of 60% stocks, 30% bon,an10% hee fun, where the 10% hee funallocation follows either anequity market-neutral, globmacro, or convertible arbitrage strategy. Therisk anreturn characteristiof the three portfolios are presentein PanelB of Exhibit 1. scuss whihee funstrategySingh shoulview most suitable for meeting the consirations expressebyMuskogh’s investment committee. Baseon theinvestment committee’s consirations, Singh shoulview a 10% allocation tothe globmacro hee funstrategy most suitable for the Fountion. Suchallocation woulresult in a crease in stanrviation (volatility) anignificant increases in the combineportfolio’s Sharpe anSortino ratios(these are the highest suratios among the strategies presente. Inaition, the lower maximum awwn (15.0%) incates less wnsi risk inthe combineportfolio thwith any of the other strategy choices. 请问老师这样答可以不

2024-01-10 19:32 1 · 回答