Remington and Montgomery
discuss with Winfeld some alternative asset allocation models that she may wish
to consider, including resampled mean–variance optimization (resampling).
Remington explains that resampling combines mean–variance optimization (MVO)
with Monte Carlo simulation, leading to more diversified asset allocations. Montgomery
comments that resampling, like other asset allocation models, is subject to
criticisms, including that risker asset allocations tend to be under-diversified
and the asset allocations inherit the estimation errors in the original inputs.
In Remington and Montgomery’s discussion with Winfeld on resampling, Montgomery’s comment is most likely:
incorrect regarding estimation errors.
incorrect regarding diversification of asset allocations.
Montgomery’s comment about the criticisms of resampling is incorrect regarding diversification of asset allocations. Risker asset allocations are over-diversified, not under-diversified. The comment is correct with regard to estimation errors because the asset allocations do inherit the estimation errors in the original inputs.
一般MVO在包含alternative资产时,可能存在使用appraisal data的情况,会使得riskier资产看起来收益高风险低,进而over allocate另类资产的情况,那不就是under-diversified的了么