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wukefu · 2024年07月09日

因为interest rate 会下降,所以如果我over hedge 就会获利更多

* 问题详情,请 查看题干



Chosovi Puhuyesva is the chief investment officer of Abiquia Mutual Assurance Company, a provider of life insurance, which is headquartered in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Puhuyesva manages an asset portfolio of fixed-income securities designed to fund Abiquia’s insurance liabilities and grow its surplus so as to protect members from premium increases or possibly allow for premium reductions.

Puhuyesva’s approach matches the interest rate sensitivity of the asset portfolio to that of the liabilities. If she has reasonably strong beliefs about how interest rates will change in the near future and the surplus exceeds her threshold of 10% of assets, she will adjust the interest rate sensitivity of the asset portfolio to attempt to increase the surplus. She typically uses derivatives positions to adjust the asset portfolio’s interest rate sensitivity, rather than buying and selling securities.

Puhuyesva believes interest rates will fall over the next three months and wants to position the asset portfolio accordingly. She intends to use futures contracts on the 10-year Treasury bond. The three-month contract has a par value of USD100,000 and a basis point value of USD102.30 per contract. Exhibit 1 provides current information about the asset and liability portfolios.

Exhibit 1 Abiquia’s Assets and Liabilities

The benchmark of the Abiquia asset portfolio is complex and is composed of fixed weights of a variety of global fixed-income indexes. Recently, a decision was made to add South American debt to the benchmark at a 6% weight. Puhuyesva’s assistant, Alo Honanie, is tasked with finding an appropriate index for South American debt securities. He narrows his choices to three: Deuda Sudamericana (DS), Renta Fija Sudamericana (RFS), and Bonos de Sur y Centro America (BSCA). All three contain similar mixtures of corporate and government debt with credit rating weightings that are essentially the same. Summary information for these indexes is found in Exhibit 2.

Exhibit 2: South American Debt Indexes

Honanie and Puhuyesva meet to discuss the choice of debt indexes. Puhuyesva expresses her concerns about the difficulties they will face in trying to purchase securities to match the index chosen: “Whatever index we choose, my goal is to match it as closely as possible while minimizing costs. We will need to focus on minimizing tracking risk. One advantage we have over equity portfolio managers is that fixed-income valuation models are much more reliable than those for equities; therefore, it is much easier to determine the value of a fixed-income portfolio than an equity portfolio.”

Honanie responds, “Because of the intended size of our South American debt portfolio, it would be too expensive to attempt full replication of any of these indexes. The two choices available to us are purchasing securities that, together, match the primary risk characteristics of the chosen index or purchasing pooled investments, such as mutual funds or exchange-traded funds. A synthetic strategy cannot be pursued because there are no exchange-traded derivative contracts for these indexes.”

The Abiquia asset portfolio benchmark has a US Treasury debt component. Puhuyesva asks Honanie to explore choices for that piece of the portfolio and provide an executive summary to her. Honanie’s summary compares laddered, bullet, and barbell portfolio structures, assuming the same portfolio value and duration, and highlights three key differences.

  • Difference 1: The laddered portfolio would have lower convexity than the other portfolio styles.

  • Difference 2: The laddered portfolio would provide for better liquidity management relative to the other portfolio styles.

  • Difference 3: The laddered portfolio would provide better diversification over the interest rate cycle compared with the other portfolio styles.


The most appropriate action given Puhuyesva’s views on interest rates and the information in Exhibit 1 would be to buy:


A.492 contracts. B.614 contracts. C.552 contracts.



B is correct.

The number of futures contracts needed to fully remove the duration gap between the asset and liability portfolios is given by

(BPV liability - BPV asset) / Futures BPV

where BPV is basis point value (of the liability portfolio, asset portfolio, and futures contract, respectively).

In this case, Nf = (299,860243,376) / 102.30 =+552.1, where the plus sign indicates a long position in or buying 552 futures contracts.

Because the value of assets is more than 2% greater than the value of liabilities (217.3/206.8 – 1 = 5.1%) and Puhuyesva believes interest rates will fall, the duration of assets should be greater than the duration of liabilities so that the surplus will rise if interest rates do fall. Therefore, more than 552 contracts should be bought.

A is incorrect because buying 492 contracts would leave the duration of assets lower than the duration of liabilities and the surplus would decrease if interest rates fall.

C is incorrect because buying 552 contracts would fully immunize the surplus and it would neither increase nor decrease if interest rates fall.

想问一下是不是因为,interest rate 现在会上涨,我计算出的future是552 就可以cover BPV的gap了,但是现在为了保持surplus,我可以long 更多的futures ?


1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2024年07月09日

本题是预期利率下降哈。本身long 552份就可以fully hedge,达到duration gap=0实现duration-matching的目标。但预期利率下降,可以long更多futures,使得资产端的value上升更大,产生更多的surplus。



下面这一段题干信息告诉我们可以做contingent immunization来扩大surplus:

If she has reasonably strong beliefs about how interest rates will change in the near future and the surplus exceeds her threshold of 10% of assets, she will adjust the interest rate sensitivity of the asset portfolio to attempt to increase the surplus.

以上这段说,只要他对未来的利率改变预期有信心,且资产的surplus已超过threshold的10%,那么他就可以来调整资产端的利率风险敞口,利用利率预期享受更大收益进而可以扩大surplus。这也就是说,满足这样的条件下,可以采用active strategy来扩大资产端的value。


Puhuyesva believes interest rates will fall over the next three months and wants to position the asset portfolio accordingly.

所以,本题就是要基于利率下降的预期,利用衍生品来构建active strategy扩大surplus。

分析的benchmark要参考fully-hedge,使得duration gap=0时的futures份数。所以要先计算这个数:

已知资产的BPV是243,376,负债的BPV是299,860,Futures的BPV为102.3,达到fully duration-matching需要futures的份数:

(299860-243376)/102.3 = 552份

则long 552份futures就可以达到fully-hedge, duration gap=0

现在是预期利率下降,那就可以故意overhedge,使得(资产BPV + 衍生品BPV)大于负债的BPV,这样在利率下降时,资产端的Value上升更多,这会进一步扩大surplus。

所以只要long futures的份数超过552份就可以实现这样的目标

Fully-hedge long 552份是分析的benchmark,如果要彻底close duration gap,则需要long 552 futures

如果预计利率上升,则需要让(资产BPV + 衍生品BPV)小于负债BPV,达到资产端的value下降小于负债Value的下降,此时就是underhedge,long份数小于552份


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NO.PZ202209060200004002 问题如下 The most appropriate action given Puhuyesva’s views on interest rates anthe information in Exhibit 1 woulto buy: A.492 contracts. B.614 contracts. C.552 contracts. SolutionB is correct. The number of futures contracts neeto fully remove the ration gbetween the asset anliability portfolios is given (BPV liability - BPV asset) / Futures BPVwhere BPV is basis point value (of the liability portfolio, asset portfolio, anfutures contract, respectively). In this case, Nf = (299,860−243,376) / 102.30 =+552.1, where the plus sign incates a long position in or buying 552 futures contracts. Because the value of assets is more th2% greater ththe value of liabilities (217.3/206.8 – 1 = 5.1%) anPuhuyesva believes interest rates will fall, the ration of assets shoulgreater ththe ration of liabilities so ththe surplus will rise if interest rates fall. Therefore, more th552 contracts shoulbought.A is incorrebecause buying 492 contracts woulleave the ration of assets lower ththe ration of liabilities anthe surplus woulcrease if interest rates fall.C is incorrebecause buying 552 contracts woulfully immunize the surplus anit woulneither increase nor crease if interest rates fall. rate下降 PV liability会上升更多所以long 更多的futures对吗?但是asset不受rate上升的影响

2024-08-06 11:27 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202209060200004002 问题如下 The most appropriate action given Puhuyesva’s views on interest rates anthe information in Exhibit 1 woulto buy: A.492 contracts. B.614 contracts. C.552 contracts. SolutionB is correct. The number of futures contracts neeto fully remove the ration gbetween the asset anliability portfolios is given (BPV liability - BPV asset) / Futures BPVwhere BPV is basis point value (of the liability portfolio, asset portfolio, anfutures contract, respectively). In this case, Nf = (299,860−243,376) / 102.30 =+552.1, where the plus sign incates a long position in or buying 552 futures contracts. Because the value of assets is more th2% greater ththe value of liabilities (217.3/206.8 – 1 = 5.1%) anPuhuyesva believes interest rates will fall, the ration of assets shoulgreater ththe ration of liabilities so ththe surplus will rise if interest rates fall. Therefore, more th552 contracts shoulbought.A is incorrebecause buying 492 contracts woulleave the ration of assets lower ththe ration of liabilities anthe surplus woulcrease if interest rates fall.C is incorrebecause buying 552 contracts woulfully immunize the surplus anit woulneither increase nor crease if interest rates fall. If she hreasonably strong beliefs about how interest rates will change in the nefuture anthe surplus excee her thresholof 10% of assets, she will aust the interest rate sensitivity of the asset portfolio to attempt to increase the surplus.这句话意思不是说surplus超过资产的10%才会去主动管理以追求更大的surplus么?所以现在没有超过10%,不就不追求更大的surplus么,就完全hee就好了?

2024-06-02 10:34 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202209060200004002 问题如下 The most appropriate action given Puhuyesva’s views on interest rates anthe information in Exhibit 1 woulto buy: A.492 contracts. B.614 contracts. C.552 contracts. SolutionB is correct. The number of futures contracts neeto fully remove the ration gbetween the asset anliability portfolios is given (BPV liability - BPV asset) / Futures BPVwhere BPV is basis point value (of the liability portfolio, asset portfolio, anfutures contract, respectively). In this case, Nf = (299,860−243,376) / 102.30 =+552.1, where the plus sign incates a long position in or buying 552 futures contracts. Because the value of assets is more th2% greater ththe value of liabilities (217.3/206.8 – 1 = 5.1%) anPuhuyesva believes interest rates will fall, the ration of assets shoulgreater ththe ration of liabilities so ththe surplus will rise if interest rates fall. Therefore, more th552 contracts shoulbought.A is incorrebecause buying 492 contracts woulleave the ration of assets lower ththe ration of liabilities anthe surplus woulcrease if interest rates fall.C is incorrebecause buying 552 contracts woulfully immunize the surplus anit woulneither increase nor crease if interest rates fall. 老师好,我想问一下这道题对应的是基础班的那一个考点或者哪句话呢?之前完全没有意识到要增大ration所以要多买futures的这个情况。

2024-05-24 16:09 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202209060200004002问题如下The most appropriate action given Puhuyesva’s views on interest rates anthe information in Exhibit 1 woulto buy:A.492 contracts.B.614 contracts.C.552 contracts. SolutionB is correct. The number of futures contracts neeto fully remove the ration gbetween the asset anliability portfolios is given (BPV liability - BPV asset) / Futures BPVwhere BPV is basis point value (of the liability portfolio, asset portfolio, anfutures contract, respectively). In this case, Nf = (299,860−243,376) / 102.30 =+552.1, where the plus sign incates a long position in or buying 552 futures contracts. Because the value of assets is more th2% greater ththe value of liabilities (217.3/206.8 – 1 = 5.1%) anPuhuyesva believes interest rates will fall, the ration of assets shoulgreater ththe ration of liabilities so ththe surplus will rise if interest rates fall. Therefore, more th552 contracts shoulbought.A is incorrebecause buying 492 contracts woulleave the ration of assets lower ththe ration of liabilities anthe surplus woulcrease if interest rates fall.C is incorrebecause buying 552 contracts woulfully immunize the surplus anit woulneither increase nor crease if interest rates fall. 题目中没有明确表述需要overhee

2023-12-03 20:04 1 · 回答