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eyn · 2024年07月07日




Which of the following statements best describes the relative performance of HY bonds over the economic cycle?



HY bonds often have lower correlation with IG bonds and default riskfree interest rates.


HY bond and equity prices tend to fluctuate similarly over the economic cycle, but HY bond returns exhibit more stability given their smaller income component versus stocks.


Economic recovery or improved issuer-specific performance often has a similar positive impact on HY and IG bond prices.


A is correct. B is incorrect since HY exhibit more stability due to a higher income component versus stocks. C is incorrect since economic recovery or improved issuer-specific performance usually has a greater positive impact on HY versus IG bond prices.

HY 的default interest rate 不是应该更高吗?

1 个答案

吴昊_品职助教 · 2024年07月08日


HY(High Yield)债券通常指的是评级较低的公司债券,其信用评级较高级别的投资级债券更低。

与投资级债券相比,HY bond通常具有更高的违约风险,更像是股票,所以和无风险利率(国债利率)之间的关联更低,更不容易受到无风险利率(债券市场指标)的影响。而投资级债券更像是债券,它和无风险利率之间的关联更高,也就是更容易受到无风险利率的影响。


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NO.PZ2023090801000010 问题如下 Whiof the following statements best scribes the relative performanof HY bon over the economic cycle? A.HY bon often have lower correlation with IG bon anfault riskfree interest rates. B.HY bonanequity prices tento fluctuate similarly over the economic cycle, but HY bonreturns exhibit more stability given their smaller income component versus stocks. C.Economic recovery or improveissuer-specific performanoften ha similpositive impaon HY anIG bonprices. A is correct. B is incorresinHY exhibit more stability e to a higher income component versus stocks. C is incorresineconomic recovery or improveissuer-specific performanusually ha greater positive impaon HY versus IG bonprices. 经济差的时候他们不是都差吗?比如经济危机。经济繁荣时候也都会好啊,

2024-07-06 20:17 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2023090801000010 问题如下 Whiof the following statements best scribes the relative performanof HY bon over the economic cycle? A.HY bon often have lower correlation with IG bon anfault riskfree interest rates. B.HY bonanequity prices tento fluctuate similarly over the economic cycle, but HY bonreturns exhibit more stability given their smaller income component versus stocks. C.Economic recovery or improveissuer-specific performanoften ha similpositive impaon HY anIG bonprices. A is correct. B is incorresinHY exhibit more stability e to a higher income component versus stocks. C is incorresineconomic recovery or improveissuer-specific performanusually ha greater positive impaon HY versus IG bonprices. B不懂

2024-02-15 15:25 2 · 回答