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zxy · 2024年07月04日

equity repurchase yield就是负的delta S?



Robert Spencer is a market forecaster with Windsor Investment Management, a U.K.-based wealth management firm. Spencer is asked to review the current economic conditions and market outlook for the U.K. and to set long-term market return expectations for domestic equities. These expectations will form the basis of Windsor’s future client asset allocations. Spencer gathers the U.K. capital market data displayed in Exhibit 1.

A. Determine, using the information in Exhibit 1 and the Grinold-Kroner model, the component sources of the historical nominal return for U.K. equities:

i. income return

ii. earnings growth

iii. repricing return



Correct Answer:

The Grinold-Kroner model can be expressed as: E(Re) = (D/P - ΔS) + (i + g) + ΔPE

Or E(Re) = Income return + Earnings growth + Repricing return

i. Income return is the sum of the dividend yield (i.e., D/P, which is 4.0%) and the equity repurchase yield (i.e., the negative of the expected change in shares outstanding, - ΔS) which is -0.5%. Therefore: Income return = D/P - ΔS = 4.0 - 0.5 = 3.5%

ii. Earnings growth is the sum of real growth in earnings and the inflation rate. This sum is shown in Exhibit 1: Earnings growth = 4.6% (given in Exhibit 1)

iii. Repricing return: Since the equity compounded annual growth rate is given in Exhibit 1to be E(Re) = 11.2%, the Grinold-Kroner model can be rearranged to solve for repricingreturn:11.2% = 3.5% + 4.6% + Repricing return .

Rearranging the terms: Repricing return = 11.2% – 3.5% – 4.6% = 3.1%


Grinold-Kroner模型可以表示为:E(Re) = (D/P - ΔS) + (i + g) + ΔPE

或者E(Re) =收入回报+盈利增长+重新定价回报

1.收益回报是股息收益率(即D/P,为4.0%)和股票回购收益率(即预期流通股变动的负值,- ΔS)的总和,为-0.5%。因此:收益回报率= D/P - ΔS = 4.0 - 0.5 = 3.5%

2收益增长是实际收益增长和通货膨胀率的总和。这个数字如表1所示:收益增长= 4.6%(见表1)

3重新定价收益:由于在表1中给出的股票复合年增长率为E(Re) = 11.2%,因此可以重新排列Grinold-Kroner模型来求解重新定价收益:11.2% = 3.5% + 4.6% +重新定价收益。

重新安排条款:重新定价收益= 11.2% - 3.5% - 4.6% = 3.1%

5. 亚太地区房地产投资的预期收益=无风险利率加上风险溢价的加权平均值= 2.0% + 3.24% = 5.24%。

这里是直接加上了equity repurchase yield,也就是认为equity repurchase yield就是负的delta S而不是delta S?请问这里如何理解,麻烦老师解释一下?

1 个答案

源_品职助教 · 2024年07月05日





所以基础课讲的公式里说的Equity repurchase yield是(-ΔS)代表的收益。“+(-ΔS)”代表了加上这部分收益。

题目说Equity repurchase yield,收益直接给了,所以直接+即可。所以同学的理解是OK的


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NO.PZ2022122601000062问题如下 Robert Spencer is a market forecaster with Winor InvestmentManagement, a U.K.-basewealth management firm. Spencer is asketo review thecurrent economic contions anmarket outlook for the U.K. anto setlong-term market return expectations for mestic equities. These expectationswill form the basis of Winor’s future client asset allocations. Spencergathers the U.K. capitmarket ta splayein Exhibit 1.termine,using the information in Exhibit 1 anthe GrinolKroner mol, the componentsources of the historicnominreturn for U.K. equities: i. income returnii. earnings growthiii. repricing return CorreAnswer:The GrinolKroner mol cexpresseas: E(Re) = (P -ΔS) + (i + g) + ΔPEOr E(Re)= Income return + Earnings growth + Repricing returni. Income return is the sum of the vinyiel(i.e., P, whiis4.0%) anthe equity repurchase yiel(i.e., the negative of the expectehange in shares outstanng, - ΔS) whiis -0.5%. Therefore: Income return =P - ΔS = 4.0 - 0.5 = 3.5%ii. Earnings growth is the sum of regrowth in earnings antheinflation rate. This sum is shown in Exhibit 1: Earnings growth = 4.6% (givenin Exhibit 1)iii. Repricing return: Sinthe equity compounannugrowth rateis given in Exhibit 1to E(Re) = 11.2%, the GrinolKroner mol cberearrangeto solve for repricingreturn:11.2% = 3.5% + 4.6% + Repricing return.Rearranging theterms: Repricing return = 11.2% – 3.5% – 4.6% = 3.1% 中文解析GrinolKroner模型可以表示为:E(Re) = (P - ΔS) + (i + g) + ΔPE或者E(Re) =收入回报+盈利增长+重新定价回报1.收益回报是股息收益率(即P,为4.0%)和股票回购收益率(即预期流通股变动的负值,- ΔS)的总和,为-0.5%。因此:收益回报率= P - ΔS = 4.0 - 0.5 = 3.5%2收益增长是实际收益增长和通货膨胀率的总和。这个数字如表1所示:收益增长= 4.6%(见表1)3重新定价收益:由于在表1中给出的股票复合年增长率为E(Re) = 11.2%,因此可以重新排列GrinolKroner模型来求解重新定价收益:11.2% = 3.5% + 4.6% +重新定价收益。重新安排条款:重新定价收益= 11.2% - 3.5% - 4.6% = 3.1%5. 亚太地区房地产投资的预期收益=无风险利率加上风险溢价的加权平均值= 2.0% + 3.24% = 5.24%。 为什么equity compounannugrowth rate 就是 Re?不应该啊

2024-01-08 19:08 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022122601000062 问题如下 Robert Spencer is a market forecaster with Winor InvestmentManagement, a U.K.-basewealth management firm. Spencer is asketo review thecurrent economic contions anmarket outlook for the U.K. anto setlong-term market return expectations for mestic equities. These expectationswill form the basis of Winor’s future client asset allocations. Spencergathers the U.K. capitmarket ta splayein Exhibit 1.termine,using the information in Exhibit 1 anthe GrinolKroner mol, the componentsources of the historicnominreturn for U.K. equities: i. income returnii. earnings growthiii. repricing return CorreAnswer:The GrinolKroner mol cexpresseas: E(Re) = (P -ΔS) + (i + g) + ΔPEOr E(Re)= Income return + Earnings growth + Repricing returni. Income return is the sum of the vinyiel(i.e., P, whiis4.0%) anthe equity repurchase yiel(i.e., the negative of the expectehange in shares outstanng, - ΔS) whiis -0.5%. Therefore: Income return =P - ΔS = 4.0 - 0.5 = 3.5%ii. Earnings growth is the sum of regrowth in earnings antheinflation rate. This sum is shown in Exhibit 1: Earnings growth = 4.6% (givenin Exhibit 1)iii. Repricing return: Sinthe equity compounannugrowth rateis given in Exhibit 1to E(Re) = 11.2%, the GrinolKroner mol cberearrangeto solve for repricingreturn:11.2% = 3.5% + 4.6% + Repricing return.Rearranging theterms: Repricing return = 11.2% – 3.5% – 4.6% = 3.1% 中文解析GrinolKroner模型可以表示为:E(Re) = (P - ΔS) + (i + g) + ΔPE或者E(Re) =收入回报+盈利增长+重新定价回报1.收益回报是股息收益率(即P,为4.0%)和股票回购收益率(即预期流通股变动的负值,- ΔS)的总和,为-0.5%。因此:收益回报率= P - ΔS = 4.0 - 0.5 = 3.5%2收益增长是实际收益增长和通货膨胀率的总和。这个数字如表1所示:收益增长= 4.6%(见表1)3重新定价收益:由于在表1中给出的股票复合年增长率为E(Re) = 11.2%,因此可以重新排列GrinolKroner模型来求解重新定价收益:11.2% = 3.5% + 4.6% +重新定价收益。重新安排条款:重新定价收益= 11.2% - 3.5% - 4.6% = 3.1%5. 亚太地区房地产投资的预期收益=无风险利率加上风险溢价的加权平均值= 2.0% + 3.24% = 5.24%。 1.收益回报是股息收益率(即P,为4.0%)和股票回购收益率(即预期流通股变动的负值,- ΔS)的总和,为-0.5%。因此:收益回报率= P - ΔS = 4.0 - 0.5 = 3.5%请问老师,这里repurchase yiel-0.5%,表示在外发行的股票数量少了0.5%,应该是股票回购行为,股票回购应该是增加income,为啥题目里是减少income?2收益增长是实际收益增长和通货膨胀率的总和。这个数字如表1所示:收益增长= 4.6%(见表1)请问老师,这里为什么不用预期的收益增长率和预期的inflaiton 相加作为收益增长呢,因为我们计算的预期收益率,为啥要用已经实现的增长率呢?

2023-11-01 11:02 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2022122601000062 问题如下 Robert Spencer is a market forecaster with Winor InvestmentManagement, a U.K.-basewealth management firm. Spencer is asketo review thecurrent economic contions anmarket outlook for the U.K. anto setlong-term market return expectations for mestic equities. These expectationswill form the basis of Winor’s future client asset allocations. Spencergathers the U.K. capitmarket ta splayein Exhibit 1.termine,using the information in Exhibit 1 anthe GrinolKroner mol, the componentsources of the historicnominreturn for U.K. equities: i. income returnii. earnings growthiii. repricing return CorreAnswer:The GrinolKroner mol cexpresseas: E(Re) = (P -ΔS) + (i + g) + ΔPEOr E(Re)= Income return + Earnings growth + Repricing returni. Income return is the sum of the vinyiel(i.e., P, whiis4.0%) anthe equity repurchase yiel(i.e., the negative of the expectehange in shares outstanng, - ΔS) whiis -0.5%. Therefore: Income return =P - ΔS = 4.0 - 0.5 = 3.5%ii. Earnings growth is the sum of regrowth in earnings antheinflation rate. This sum is shown in Exhibit 1: Earnings growth = 4.6% (givenin Exhibit 1)iii. Repricing return: Sinthe equity compounannugrowth rateis given in Exhibit 1to E(Re) = 11.2%, the GrinolKroner mol cberearrangeto solve for repricingreturn:11.2% = 3.5% + 4.6% + Repricing return.Rearranging theterms: Repricing return = 11.2% – 3.5% – 4.6% = 3.1% 中文解析GrinolKroner模型可以表示为:E(Re) = (P - ΔS) + (i + g) + ΔPE或者E(Re) =收入回报+盈利增长+重新定价回报1.收益回报是股息收益率(即P,为4.0%)和股票回购收益率(即预期流通股变动的负值,- ΔS)的总和,为-0.5%。因此:收益回报率= P - ΔS = 4.0 - 0.5 = 3.5%2收益增长是实际收益增长和通货膨胀率的总和。这个数字如表1所示:收益增长= 4.6%(见表1)3重新定价收益:由于在表1中给出的股票复合年增长率为E(Re) = 11.2%,因此可以重新排列GrinolKroner模型来求解重新定价收益:11.2% = 3.5% + 4.6% +重新定价收益。重新安排条款:重新定价收益= 11.2% - 3.5% - 4.6% = 3.1%5. 亚太地区房地产投资的预期收益=无风险利率加上风险溢价的加权平均值= 2.0% + 3.24% = 5.24%。 请问earnings growth为什么使用expecteequities reearning growth rate2.7%加上expectelong-term inflation rate2.5%,来计算呢?或者说这两个数字加起来为什么不等于题目中给出的nominearning growth return的4.6呢?

2023-08-28 21:48 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022122601000062问题如下 Robert Spencer is a market forecaster with Winor InvestmentManagement, a U.K.-basewealth management firm. Spencer is asketo review thecurrent economic contions anmarket outlook for the U.K. anto setlong-term market return expectations for mestic equities. These expectationswill form the basis of Winor’s future client asset allocations. Spencergathers the U.K. capitmarket ta splayein Exhibit 1.termine,using the information in Exhibit 1 anthe GrinolKroner mol, the componentsources of the historicnominreturn for U.K. equities: i. income returnii. earnings growthiii. repricing return CorreAnswer:The GrinolKroner mol cexpresseas: E(Re) = (P -ΔS) + (i + g) + ΔPEOr E(Re)= Income return + Earnings growth + Repricing returni. Income return is the sum of the vinyiel(i.e., P, whiis4.0%) anthe equity repurchase yiel(i.e., the negative of the expectehange in shares outstanng, - ΔS) whiis -0.5%. Therefore: Income return =P - ΔS = 4.0 - 0.5 = 3.5%ii. Earnings growth is the sum of regrowth in earnings antheinflation rate. This sum is shown in Exhibit 1: Earnings growth = 4.6% (givenin Exhibit 1)iii. Repricing return: Sinthe equity compounannugrowth rateis given in Exhibit 1to E(Re) = 11.2%, the GrinolKroner mol cberearrangeto solve for repricingreturn:11.2% = 3.5% + 4.6% + Repricing return.Rearranging theterms: Repricing return = 11.2% – 3.5% – 4.6% = 3.1% 中文解析GrinolKroner模型可以表示为:E(Re) = (P - ΔS) + (i + g) + ΔPE或者E(Re) =收入回报+盈利增长+重新定价回报1.收益回报是股息收益率(即P,为4.0%)和股票回购收益率(即预期流通股变动的负值,- ΔS)的总和,为-0.5%。因此:收益回报率= P - ΔS = 4.0 - 0.5 = 3.5%2收益增长是实际收益增长和通货膨胀率的总和。这个数字如表1所示:收益增长= 4.6%(见表1)3重新定价收益:由于在表1中给出的股票复合年增长率为E(Re) = 11.2%,因此可以重新排列GrinolKroner模型来求解重新定价收益:11.2% = 3.5% + 4.6% +重新定价收益。重新安排条款:重新定价收益= 11.2% - 3.5% - 4.6% = 3.1%5. 亚太地区房地产投资的预期收益=无风险利率加上风险溢价的加权平均值= 2.0% + 3.24% = 5.24%。 i+g 是什么意思,怎么算的

2023-07-16 16:40 1 · 回答