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xīnyí · 2024年07月02日




Leeter tells Clickman about the interesting investment process of the XTZZ Fund. Leeter states that many times, government- reported data are revised three to six months after the data are initially reported. These revisions then become incorporated into the historical data, with the revised value replacing the originally reported value. When the revision is incorporated, the data are referred to as “clean data.” XTZZ applies its analysis in a manner in which the originally reported data exist as a lagged factor until the revised data become available. This approach differentiates XTZZ from funds that use only the “clean” data, which ignore the initially reported data values.

XTZZ’s approach to analyzing government-reported data most likely reduces:



look-ahead bias


survivorship bias


model overfitting


XTZZ’s approach prevents the use of “revised” government data that are not known when the data are initially reported. By not incorporating revised government data until they are actually revealed, XTZZ reduces look-ahead bias.

B is incorrect. Survivorship bias occurs when analysis on past data ignores firms that have ceased to exist at some point during the analysis period.

C is incorrect. Model overfitting occurs when the model fits the past data by finding a pre-conceived relationship (i.e., making the model specifications biased toward the pre-relationship) or when the model is biased toward patterns that are specific only to the past data.

老师,可以再解释一下overfitting bias吗

1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2024年07月03日


overfitting bias也是统计学里的一个概念:过度拟合。






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NO.PZ2023010903000045问题如下 Leeter tells Clickmabout the interesting investment process of the XTZZ Fun Leeter states thmany times, government- reporteta are revisethree to six months after the ta are initially reporte These revisions then become incorporateinto the historictwith the revisevalue replacing the originally reportevalue. When the revision is incorporate the ta are referreto “cleta.” XTZZ applies its analysis in a manner in whithe originally reporteta exist a laggefactor until the reviseta become available. This approafferentiates XTZZ from fun thuse only the “clean” twhiignore the initially reporteta values.XTZZ’s approato analyzing government-reporteta most likely reces: A.look-ahebiasB.survivorship biasC.mol overfitting XTZZ’s approaprevents the use of “revise government ta thare not known when the ta are initially reporte not incorporating revisegovernment ta until they are actually reveale XTZZ reces look-ahebias.B is incorrect. Survivorship bioccurs when analysis on past ta ignores firms thhave ceaseto exist some point ring the analysis perioC is incorrect. Mol overfitting occurs when the mol fits the past ta finng a pre-conceiverelationship (i.e., making the mol specifications biasetowarthe pre-relationship) or when the mol is biasetowarpatterns thare specific only to the past txtzz applies….这句话能翻一下吗

2023-07-19 21:11 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023010903000045 问题如下 Leeter tells Clickmabout the interesting investment process of the XTZZ Fun Leeter states thmany times, government- reporteta are revisethree to six months after the ta are initially reporte These revisions then become incorporateinto the historictwith the revisevalue replacing the originally reportevalue. When the revision is incorporate the ta are referreto “cleta.” XTZZ applies its analysis in a manner in whithe originally reporteta exist a laggefactor until the reviseta become available. This approafferentiates XTZZ from fun thuse only the “clean” twhiignore the initially reporteta values.XTZZ’s approato analyzing government-reporteta most likely reces: A.look-ahebi B.survivorship bi C.mol overfitting XTZZ’s approaprevents the use of “revise government ta thare not known when the ta are initially reporte not incorporating revisegovernment ta until they are actually reveale XTZZ reces look-ahebias.B is incorrect. Survivorship bioccurs when analysis on past ta ignores firms thhave ceaseto exist some point ring the analysis perioC is incorrect. Mol overfitting occurs when the mol fits the past ta finng a pre-conceiverelationship (i.e., making the mol specifications biasetowarthe pre-relationship) or when the mol is biasetowarpatterns thare specific only to the past t 是数据有滞后性,就会有look-ahebias吗?还是数据太前沿了就不对?麻烦老师一下,谢谢。

2023-07-13 23:44 1 · 回答