What accurately represents a firm's obligations regarding record-keeping of fund descriptions under GIPS standards?选项:
A.Requirement to document descriptions for all composite and pooled fund types, including broad and limited distribution. B.Obligation to record both active and terminated composites and limited distribution funds for a minimum of five years. C.Necessity to maintain descriptions for composites and limited distribution funds, but only names for broadly distributed funds.解释:
Option C is correct. As per GIPS Standard 1.A.22, firms are obliged to maintain descriptions for their composites and limited distribution pooled funds. In contrast, for broadly distributed pooled funds, merely the names are required, not detailed descriptions. There is no stipulation for retaining records of terminated limited or broad distribution pooled funds.老师好 -
能否麻烦解释一下 limited distribution pooled funds 以及 broadly distributed pooled funds 是什么概念