Which of the following best describes competence greenwashing?选项:
A.Companies using hyperbole to highlight that their ESG credentials are fit for purpose
B.Companies keeping quiet about their environmental goals for fear of retribution or misinterpretation
C.Companies stating that they are taking positive action in one ESG area while negatively contributing to another
A is correctbecause in the face of growing regulatory and market pressure, companies arecontending with ensuring their ESG credentials are fit for purpose. Someboards, executives, and employees use hyperbole to highlight their knowledge,skills, and experience in sustainability—a practice coined by sustainablefinance academic Kim Schumacher as 'competence greenwashing'.
B is incorrectbecause uncertainty over what does or doesn’t qualify as green creates aphenomenon of ‘greenhushing’, where those making good strides towards moresustainable practices are unwilling to reveal as much for fear of retributionor misinterpretation.
B is incorrectbecause many companies hide their harmful practices behind more positiveones—for example, providing an incomplete picture of environmental impact byfocusing too much on carbon emissions and ignoring other factors such asrecyclability and toxicity. Companies stating that they are taking positiveaction in one area while negatively contributing to another is a practicecalled 'scopewashing'.
洗绿肯定是负面的意思,A 和B 都是中性的意思,C才强调了负面影响。