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ax · 2024年06月25日

call preference vs non call prefernce - which pay lower div?



All else being equal, which of the following preference shares pays the lowest dividend?


A.Putable B.Callable C.Non-callable


  1. Correct because from an investor's point of view, putable common or preference shares are less risky than their callable or non-callable counterparts because they give the investor the option to sell the shares to the issuer at a pre-determined price. As a result, putable shares generally pay a lower dividend than non-putable shares.

  2. Incorrect because callable common or preference shares are riskier than their non-callable counterparts because the issuer has the option to redeem the shares at a pre-determined price. Callable shares generally pay a higher dividend to compensate investors for the risk that the shares could be called in the future.

  3. Incorrect because from an investor's point of view, putable common or preference shares are less risky than their callable or non-callable counterparts because they give the investor the option to sell the shares to the issuer at a pre-determined price. The lower risk of putables shares results in a lower dividend than non-callable shares.

Overview of Equity Securities

老师好 -

请问 - between call preference and non call prefernce shares - which one would pay lower dividend?

given non call preference shares is less risky than call preference towards an investor -- so is it right to say non call preference share would pay a lower dividend comparing call preference shares?


1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年06月25日

同学你好,你的问题解析里已经写了答案了哦“Incorrect because callable common or preference shares are riskier than their non-callable counterparts because the issuer has the option to redeem the shares at a pre-determined price. Callable shares generally pay a higher dividend to compensate investors for the risk that the shares could be called in the future.”——所以callable 优先股是需要比一般优先股支付更高的分红的,也就是一般优先股的分红相对callable 优先股的分红更低

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