Of the additional file notes from Pool 3 that Gentry reviews, which is the least accurate? The note regarding:
A.margin buying.
B.taxable events.
C.disadvantages of ETFs.
SolutionB is correct. The note on taxable events is inaccurate. ETFs have smaller taxable events than mutual funds because of the in-kind transfer of securities between an authorized participant and the fund when redemptions occur.
A is incorrect. Unlike traditional open-end mutual funds, ETF shares can be bought by investors using margin borrowing; moreover, investors can take short positions in an ETF.
C is incorrect. These are indeed the disadvantages of using an ETF instead of a mutual fund.
记得听课的时候在alternative(貌似)那一章,老师提过etf和close-end fund流动性是比较好的,当时还专门强调了closed-end fund流动性,这个地方似乎矛盾了,请解答