Which method of style analysis is best used to properly classify the Lunnar Hedge-X fund?
B.Holdings-based analysis alone
C.Holdings-based and returns-based analysis combined
SolutionA is correct. Self-identification is the best way to classify Lunnar Hedge-X’s strategy. As a non-standard hedge fund that extensively uses short positions and derivatives, the description in the fund’s prospectus becomes the key source of information for those assigning a style. Neither a holdings-based approach nor a returns-based approach is likely to help classify Lunnar Hedge-X’s approach.
B is incorrect. As a non-standard hedge fund that extensively uses short positions and derivatives, the description in the fund’s prospectus becomes the key source of information for those assigning a style. A holdings-based approach is not going to help classify Lunnar Hedge-X’s approach.
C is incorrect. As a non-standard hedge fund that extensively uses short positions and derivatives, the description in the fund’s prospectus becomes the key source of information for those assigning a style. Neither a holdings-based approach nor a returns-based approach will help classify Lunnar Hedge-X’s approach.
似乎handbook里的题出题角度和考察的知识点细节和老师讲课的重点还是有出入,之前基本对self identification都是一带而过,是不是不用特别在意