09:17 (1.5X)
1.表中是不是还缺少了对composite和benchmark的standard deviation的披露?
2.答案里第2点,“Composite asset value is missing”,我的理解是The report should include the amount of net assets in the composite “as” either the percentage of the total firm assets represented by the composite or the amount of total firm asset at the end of each period,而不是"and"吧,就是指report应该披露composite asset,以firm asset的percentage形式,或者以total amount形式,对吗?
3.答案里第7点,“Definition of the composite is missing”,请问这里应该披露什么?比如composite是投资large cap, value stock这样就可以吗?
4.答案里第4点,“Management fee is not properly disclosed”,请问这里应该披露的fee schedule是指,expected或avarage mangement fee,以及多大规模的收多少fee的规则吗?
5.是不是还缺少了一句“Verification does not provide assurance on the accuracy of any specific performance report”?这句是不是也必须要有?