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xiaoe · 2024年06月15日

这道题讲义的哪里有,我是用ebit的占比除于capital employed的占比

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3. Based on Abay’s criteria, the business segment best suited for divestiture is:



medical equipment.


power and industrial.


automation equipment.


B is correct.

The Power and Industrial segment has the lowest EBIT margins but uses about 31 percent of the capital employed. Further, Power and Industrial’s proportion of the capital expenditures has increased from 32 percent to 36 percent over the three years. Its capital intensity only looked to get worse, as the segment’s percentage of total capital expenditures was higher than its percentage of total capital in each of the three years. If Abay is considering divesting segments that do not earn sufficient returns on capital employed, this segment is most suitable.

解析:考点是capital allocation decision。首先计算部门的capEX%/Asset%,Power部门2007和2009年的capEX%/Asset%分别是1.07和1.13,说明公司对Power部门在加速投资,capEX%从2007年的32%增加到了2009年的36%,也就是Power部门的capital expenditures占了公司总capital expenditures的约1/3,但是Power部门的EBITmargin是三个部门最低的,因此如果公司要选择一个部门降低投资,Power部门是最合适的。


1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年06月15日


需要先通过CAPEX% / Asset%来找出三个部门中正在加速投资的部门,对减速投资的部门其实是不需要考虑的;然后再比较加速投资的2个部门之间的EBIT,选低的那个就是应该被放弃的部门



  • 1

  • 0

  • 144


NO.PZ201602060100002003问题如下3. Baseon Abay’s criterithe business segment best suitefor vestiture is:A.mecequipment.B.power aninstrial.C.automation equipment.B is correct.The Power anInstrisegment hthe lowest EBIT margins but uses about 31 percent of the capitemploye Further, Power anInstrial’s proportion of the capitexpentures hincreasefrom 32 percent to 36 percent over the three years. Its capitintensity only looketo get worse, the segment’s percentage of totcapitexpentures whigher thits percentage of totcapitin eaof the three years. If Abis consiring vesting segments th not earn sufficient returns on capitemploye this segment is most suitable.解析考点是capitallocation cision。首先计算部门的capEX%/Asset%,Power部门2007和2009年的capEX%/Asset%分别是1.07和1.13,说明公司对Power部门在加速投资,capEX%从2007年的32%增加到了2009年的36%,也就是Power部门的capitexpentures占了公司总capitexpentures的约1/3,但是Power部门的EBITmargin是三个部门最低的,因此如果公司要选择一个部门降低投资,Power部门是最合适的。我算的是auto和power部门的capx%/asset%都大于1,是不是说明这两个部门在加速投资,只是auto的速度在放缓,要从这两个里面选利润率低的减少投资的,mecal的小于1,是不是直接不用考虑了

2024-06-26 15:21 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201602060100002003 问题如下 3. Baseon Abay’s criterithe business segment best suitefor vestiture is: A.mecequipment. B.power aninstrial. C.automation equipment. B is correct.The Power anInstrisegment hthe lowest EBIT margins but uses about 31 percent of the capitemploye Further, Power anInstrial’s proportion of the capitexpentures hincreasefrom 32 percent to 36 percent over the three years. Its capitintensity only looketo get worse, the segment’s percentage of totcapitexpentures whigher thits percentage of totcapitin eaof the three years. If Abis consiring vesting segments th not earn sufficient returns on capitemploye this segment is most suitable.解析考点是capitallocation cision。首先计算部门的capEX%/Asset%,Power部门2007和2009年的capEX%/Asset%分别是1.07和1.13,说明公司对Power部门在加速投资,capEX%从2007年的32%增加到了2009年的36%,也就是Power部门的capitexpentures占了公司总capitexpentures的约1/3,但是Power部门的EBITmargin是三个部门最低的,因此如果公司要选择一个部门降低投资,Power部门是最合适的。 AUTO 1.287463489 2.05041344 2.201007003 POWER1.121170243 1.133558141 1.057212739me.781705626 0.631579766 0.669085727ebit怎么拿这个和ebit比较?

2024-04-01 15:48 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201602060100002003 问题如下 3. Baseon Abay’s criterithe business segment best suitefor vestiture is: A.mecequipment. B.power aninstrial. C.automation equipment. B is correct.The Power anInstrisegment hthe lowest EBIT margins but uses about 31 percent of the capitemploye Further, Power anInstrial’s proportion of the capitexpentures hincreasefrom 32 percent to 36 percent over the three years. Its capitintensity only looketo get worse, the segment’s percentage of totcapitexpentures whigher thits percentage of totcapitin eaof the three years. If Abis consiring vesting segments th not earn sufficient returns on capitemploye this segment is most suitable.解析考点是capitallocation cision。首先计算部门的capEX%/Asset%,Power部门2007和2009年的capEX%/Asset%分别是1.07和1.13,说明公司对Power部门在加速投资,capEX%从2007年的32%增加到了2009年的36%,也就是Power部门的capitexpentures占了公司总capitexpentures的约1/3,但是Power部门的EBITmargin是三个部门最低的,因此如果公司要选择一个部门降低投资,Power部门是最合适的。 老师能列一下求解数字过程吗?

2023-04-11 00:17 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201602060100002003 capEX%/Asset%,Power部门2007和2009年的capEX%/Asset%分别是1.07和1.13,说明公司对Power部门在加速投资,capEX%从2007年的32%增加到了2009年的36%,也就是Power部门的capitexpentures占了公司总capitexpentures的约1/3,请问1.07, 1.13, 32%,36%是怎么计算出来的,跟题目中的EBIT又有什么关系。答案写的不是很详细,麻烦老师再详细说明一下思路和计算过程。

2021-10-04 12:08 1 · 回答