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我爱荷包蛋 · 2024年06月14日

Duration gap

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After selecting a portfolio to immunize Schuylkill’s multiple future outflows, Chaopraya prepares a report on how this immunization strategy would respond to various interest rate scenarios. The scenario analysis is presented in Exhibit 3.

Discuss the effectiveness of Chaopraya’s immunization strategy in terms of duration gaps.




Chaopraya’s strategy immunizes well for parallel shifts, with little deviation between the outflow portfolio and the immunizing portfolio in market value and BPV. Because the money durations are closely matched, the differences between the outflow portfolio and the immunizing portfolio in market value are small and the duration gaps (as shown by the difference in Δ Portfolio BPVs) between the outflow portfolio and the immunizing portfolio are small for both the upward and downward parallel shifts.

Chaopraya’s strategy does not immunize well for the non-parallel steepening and flattening twists (i.e., structural risks) shown in Exhibit 3. In those cases, the outflow portfolio and the immunizing portfolio market values deviate substantially and the duration gaps between the outflow portfolio and the immunizing portfolio are large.

老师,我理解Duration gap=Asset BPV- Liability BPV=2609700-2609442=258,

为什么这道题是用Δ Portfolio BPV来表示的呢?

1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2024年06月15日


为什么这道题是用Δ Portfolio BPV来表示的呢?

△Portfolio BPV还不是duration gap

△Portfolio BPV是当利率改变时,这个Asset or liability自身BPV的改变量。

如上所示,当利率上升时,资产Immunizing portfolio的BPV改变(△Portfolio BPV)是:-9

而利率上升时,负债Outflow portfolio的BPV改变是-8

所以此次利率改变产生的Duration gap增量是-1,真正的△duration gap增量部分是表格最后一列的difference哈。

其实这道题是让检验duration-matching的效果是否好。那我们其实只需要检验当利率改变时,资产与负债的Value改变是否一致即可。即,只需观察第一行数据里,资产与负债的△Market value的改变是否差不多。只要改变差不多则说明匹配效果好。

其实并不需要再借助久期△Duration gap的改变大小来判断免疫效果,虽然答案有提到△Duration gap的改变。因为Duration-matching只能保证利率改变时,资产与负债的Market value改变幅度近似,不能保证两者的Duration(及BPV)是改变近似的。只要Market value的改变近似,就是好的duration-matching


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NO.PZ201812020100001203 问题如下 Afterselecting a portfolio to immunize Schuylkill’s multiple future outflows,Chaopraya prepares a report on how this immunization strategy woulrespontovarious interest rate scenarios. The scenario analysis is presenteinExhibit 3.scussthe effectiveness of Chaopraya’s immunization strategy in terms of rationgaps. Answer:Chaopraya’sstrategy immunizes well for parallel shifts, with little viation between theoutflow portfolio anthe immunizing portfolio in market value anBPV. Becausethe money rations are closely matche the fferences between the outflowportfolio anthe immunizing portfolio in market value are small antheration gaps (shown the fferenin Δ Portfolio BPVs) between theoutflow portfolio anthe immunizing portfolio are small for both the upwarnwnwarparallel shifts. Chaopraya’sstrategy es not immunize well for the non-parallel steepening anflatteningtwists (i.e., structurrisks) shown in Exhibit 3. In those cases, theoutflow portfolio anthe immunizing portfolio market values viatesubstantially anthe ration gaps between the outflow portfolio antheimmunizing portfolio are large. Chaopraya's strategy immunizes well for parallel shifts, with little viation between the liability portfolio anthe asset portfolio in market value anBPV.Chaopraya's strategy es not immunize well for the non-parallel steepening anflattening twists. In those cases, liability portfolio anasset portfolio's market values viate substantially.老师,根据答案中非平行移动时不能immunize的原因,想明确一下,multiple liability immunization的条件中是有 满足PV(asset) ≥ PV(liability)这一条的吧?

2024-05-16 17:23 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201812020100001203 问题如下 Afterselecting a portfolio to immunize Schuylkill’s multiple future outflows,Chaopraya prepares a report on how this immunization strategy woulrespontovarious interest rate scenarios. The scenario analysis is presenteinExhibit 3.scussthe effectiveness of Chaopraya’s immunization strategy in terms of rationgaps. Answer:Chaopraya’sstrategy immunizes well for parallel shifts, with little viation between theoutflow portfolio anthe immunizing portfolio in market value anBPV. Becausethe money rations are closely matche the fferences between the outflowportfolio anthe immunizing portfolio in market value are small antheration gaps (shown the fferenin Δ Portfolio BPVs) between theoutflow portfolio anthe immunizing portfolio are small for both the upwarnwnwarparallel shifts. Chaopraya’sstrategy es not immunize well for the non-parallel steepening anflatteningtwists (i.e., structurrisks) shown in Exhibit 3. In those cases, theoutflow portfolio anthe immunizing portfolio market values viatesubstantially anthe ration gaps between the outflow portfolio antheimmunizing portfolio are large. 老师好,我的答案如下,请批改。Chaopraya’s immunization strategy is more effective when the yielcurve is having a parallel shift thnon-parallel shift.when the yielcurve is have upwaror wnwarshift, the fferenbetween immunizing portfolio anoutflow portfolio is quite small in BPV changes, cash flow changes anmarket value changes. However, when the yielcurve is have a non-parallel shift, market value changes, BPV changes ancash flow changes are larger. 另外我没说ration gap, 但我说了BPV changes的改变大和不大,这ok吗?cash flow yiel里的变化是怎么引起的?谢谢

2024-02-04 16:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201812020100001203问题如下 Afterselecting a portfolio to immunize Schuylkill’s multiple future outflows,Chaopraya prepares a report on how this immunization strategy woulrespontovarious interest rate scenarios. The scenario analysis is presenteinExhibit 3.scussthe effectiveness of Chaopraya’s immunization strategy in terms of rationgaps. Answer:Chaopraya’sstrategy immunizes well for parallel shifts, with little viation between theoutflow portfolio anthe immunizing portfolio in market value anBPV. Becausethe money rations are closely matche the fferences between the outflowportfolio anthe immunizing portfolio in market value are small antheration gaps (shown the fferenin Δ Portfolio BPVs) between theoutflow portfolio anthe immunizing portfolio are small for both the upwarnwnwarparallel shifts. Chaopraya’sstrategy es not immunize well for the non-parallel steepening anflatteningtwists (i.e., structurrisks) shown in Exhibit 3. In those cases, theoutflow portfolio anthe immunizing portfolio market values viatesubstantially anthe ration gaps between the outflow portfolio antheimmunizing portfolio are large. 老师 向上平行移动时 portfolio的bpv下降了9 liability bpv下降了8 这不是免疫失败了吗

2023-11-25 09:05 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201812020100001203 问题如下 Afterselecting a portfolio to immunize Schuylkill’s multiple future outflows,Chaopraya prepares a report on how this immunization strategy woulrespontovarious interest rate scenarios. The scenario analysis is presenteinExhibit 3.scussthe effectiveness of Chaopraya’s immunization strategy in terms of rationgaps. Answer:Chaopraya’sstrategy immunizes well for parallel shifts, with little viation between theoutflow portfolio anthe immunizing portfolio in market value anBPV. Becausethe money rations are closely matche the fferences between the outflowportfolio anthe immunizing portfolio in market value are small antheration gaps (shown the fferenin Δ Portfolio BPVs) between theoutflow portfolio anthe immunizing portfolio are small for both the upwarnwnwarparallel shifts. Chaopraya’sstrategy es not immunize well for the non-parallel steepening anflatteningtwists (i.e., structurrisks) shown in Exhibit 3. In those cases, theoutflow portfolio anthe immunizing portfolio market values viatesubstantially anthe ration gaps between the outflow portfolio antheimmunizing portfolio are large. 因为平行移动的BPV gap是正负1,而非平行移动的BPV gap是正负3;平行gap的绝对值比较小,所以案例中的策略对平行移动比较有效,对吗?

2023-06-06 15:43 1 · 回答