Bourne inherited a large estate (stock) from her parents and approached John for tax planning, who is concerned about Bourne's current tax situation. Bourne's cost base for inheriting shares from his parents is almost zero. John reminded Bourne that Canada does not have an estate tax, but a capital gains tax, with half of the capital gains taxed at the marginal tax rate of personal disposal of property.
John's concern about the tax nature of Bourne's impact is likely to be described as a tax targeting:
value added.
B is correct. Bourne inherited shares from his parents with significant capital gains: his cost base is approximately zero, resulting in the disposal of these shares at current market prices through the terms of the shareholder agreement. In Canada, one-half of capital gains are subject to tax at the individual’s marginal tax rate. This is a tax on income.
A is incorrect. Canada does not have an inheritance tax, which would be a wealth tax.
C is incorrect. Value added tax is a tax assessed in the intermediate steps of producing goods or services, ultimately resulting in a consumption/expenditure tax.
不理解这个解释, 可否请老师详细解释一下:
- concern主来源于是继承股票的capital gain。 为什么capital gain 不是value added,而是income. 题目中并没有说Bouren的income来源于stock 的 capital gain
- 首先可否列举一下tax targeting 有哪些,并且能不能举例说明每一个tax targeting的应用场景。