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梦梦 · 2024年06月11日




A three-year bond with a face value of USD 100 pays coupons annually at the rate of 10% per year. Its yield is 7% with annual compounding., estimate the price change if the annually compounded yield changes from 7% to 8.5%, using both the duration and the duration plus convexity approximations.


Using duration, the price change is

-2.5661 X 107.8729 X 0.015= -4.1522

Using duration and convexity, it is

-2.5661 X 107.8729 X 0.015 + (1/2) X 6.9020 X 107.8729 X 0.0152 = -4.0685

The actual bond price decline is 4.0419, showing that duration plus convexity gives a better estimate than convexity alone.

不用modified duration=macaulay duration/(1+y)行不行?就用modified的定义式:deta p=-Duration*得塔y*p?得出结果是-2.5,与用modified 和macaulay的关系式求解的结果有少许差异。



5 个答案

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2024年06月17日




梦梦 · 2024年06月17日


品职答疑小助手雍 · 2024年06月16日


梦梦 · 2024年06月16日


品职答疑小助手雍 · 2024年06月14日


modified duration的定义式只有我前面回答的那一个,没有其他的定义式了,题目让求的话也只有定义式可以用来求。

梦梦 · 2024年06月14日

好的,那我就清楚了,谢谢lao shi

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2024年06月13日

modified duration的定义式就是麦考林久期除以(1+y)。怎么会有两个定义式呢?



梦梦 · 2024年06月13日

哦哦,也就是说久期可以用-(得塔p/p)得塔r来算,但是,这个不是modified duration?

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2024年06月12日


1、“不用modified duration=macaulay duration/(1+y)行不行?就用modified的定义式:deta p=-Duration*得塔y*p?得出结果是-2.5,与用modified 和macaulay的关系式求解的结果有少许差异。”

不行,这题要求的是用duration的角度去求价格变化,然后对比算上凸性的差异。而不是用价格变化去计算duration(这样再求价格变化就没有意义了)。而且你列出的不是modified duration的定义式,而是常规duration对价格敏感性的体现结果。


梦梦 · 2024年06月12日

老师,课程里是这么讲的,常规duration是金额的变动,即duration=得塔P/得塔r,债券价格对利率变动的敏感程度,然后剔除量纲后的modified duration=-(得塔p/p)/得塔r,是价格变动率对利率变动的敏感程度a q

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NO.PZ2020021204000019 问题如下 A three-yebonwith a favalue of US100 pays coupons annually the rate of 10% per year. Its yielis 7% with annucompounng., estimate the prichange if the annually compounyielchanges from 7% to 8.5%, using both the ration anthe ration plus convexity approximations. Using ration, the prichange is-2.5661 X 107.8729 X 0.015= -4.1522Using ration anconvexity, it is-2.5661 X 107.8729 X 0.015 + (1/2) X 6.9020 X 107.8729 X 0.0152 = -4.0685The actubonpricline is 4.0419, showing thration plus convexity gives a better estimate thconvexity alone. 这个是在哪里体现的

2024-02-28 21:12 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020021204000019 问题如下 A three-yebonwith a favalue of US100 pays coupons annually the rate of 10% per year. Its yielis 7% with annucompounng., estimate the prichange if the annually compounyielchanges from 7% to 8.5%, using both the ration anthe ration plus convexity approximations. Using ration, the prichange is-2.5661 X 107.8729 X 0.015= -4.1522Using ration anconvexity, it is-2.5661 X 107.8729 X 0.015 + (1/2) X 6.9020 X 107.8729 X 0.0152 = -4.0685The actubonpricline is 4.0419, showing thration plus convexity gives a better estimate thconvexity alone. No.PZ2020021204000019 (问答题)来源: 原版书A three-yebonwith a favalue of US100 pays coupons annually the rate of 10% per year. Its yielis 7% with annucompounng., estimate the prichange if the annually compounyielchanges from 7% to 8.5%, using both the ration anthe ration plus convexity approximations.解析Using ration, the prichange is-2.5661 X 107.8729 X 0.015= -4.1522Using ration anconvexity, it is-2.5661 X 107.8729 X 0.015 + (1/2) X 6.9020 X 107.8729 X 0.0152 = -4.0685The actubonpricline is 4.0419, showing thration plus convexity gives a better estimate thconvexity alone.问题为什么求二阶导的时候用的是mofieconvexity(=6.9020)而不是convexity(=7.9021),课上说的公式用的是convexity

2023-12-13 18:14 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020021204000019 问题如下 A three-yebonwith a favalue of US100 pays coupons annually the rate of 10% per year. Its yielis 7% with annucompounng., estimate the prichange if the annually compounyielchanges from 7% to 8.5%, using both the ration anthe ration plus convexity approximations. Using ration, the prichange is-2.5661 X 107.8729 X 0.015= -4.1522Using ration anconvexity, it is-2.5661 X 107.8729 X 0.015 + (1/2) X 6.9020 X 107.8729 X 0.0152 = -4.0685The actubonpricline is 4.0419, showing thration plus convexity gives a better estimate thconvexity alone. 老师您好,想请问下convexity的计算公式,为什么是 time*weight^2/(1+YTM)?convexity那一节中,李老师给的convexity的计算公式是time^2*weight 如下图所示请问这两种计算convexity的方式哪个是正确的呢?感谢!

2023-02-21 16:43 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020021204000019 问题如下 A three-yebonwith a favalue of US100 pays coupons annually the rate of 10% per year. Its yielis 7% with annucompounng., estimate the prichange if the annually compounyielchanges from 7% to 8.5%, using both the ration anthe ration plus convexity approximations. Using ration, the prichange is-2.5661 X 107.8729 X 0.015= -4.1522Using ration anconvexity, it is-2.5661 X 107.8729 X 0.015 + (1/2) X 6.9020 X 107.8729 X 0.0152 = -4.0685The actubonpricline is 4.0419, showing thration plus convexity gives a better estimate thconvexity alone. 可以给一个详细的解答吗

2023-02-12 20:18 1 · 回答