Exhibit 1
Monte Carlo Simulation Results for Retirement Goal of a Hypothetical Client
According to the table below, John's interpretation is:
Over 20 years, 30% of the time clients have not met their goals.
Over 15 years, the value of the investment portfolio is at least 25% of $1,711,500.
Over 20 years, the client will run out of money 75% of the time.
Among John's three possible interpretations for Exhibit 1, the most accurate one is:
A.Interpretation 1.
Interpretation 2
Interpretation 3
A is correct. Interpretation 1 is correct: Over 20 years, 70% of the trials were successful, which means that the client achieved his or her goals 70% of the time, or did not achieve them in 30% of the trials.
B is not correct. Fifteen years later, the portfolio value of $1711500 indicates that in 25% of the trials over that time frame, the portfolio value may exceed $1711500, rather than 25% of that value.
C is incorrect. Over 20 years, 75% of the trials will result in losses below $249211. Although some of the results will be losses, the table does not indicate the positive or negative aspects of the results.
按照题目给的条件。解释应该是有75%的概率,投资的FV是above $249,211。这么理解对吗?