开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


wukefu · 2024年06月11日




The Prometheo University Scholarship Endowment (the Endowment) was established in 1950 and supports scholarships for students attending Prometheo University. The Endowment’s assets under management are relatively small, and it has an annual spending policy of 6% of the five-year rolling asset value.

Upon completion of the investment policy review by her four-person staff, the CIO makes some recommendations to the Endowment’s board regarding the investment objectives and asset allocation. One of her recommendations is to adopt the endowment model as an investment approach. She recommends investing 20% in private equity, 40% in hedge funds, 25% in public equities, and 15% in fixed income.

Determine whether the board should accept the CIO’s recommendation. Justify your response.



Justify your response:

The board should reject the CIO’s recommendation. This recommendation is a significant departure from current practice and entails a much higher level of risk. The size of the investment team is small, with only four people, and it may not have adequate access to or experience in alternative investments. Given the relatively small size of the Endowment, it is unlikely that it has access to top managers in the hedge fund and private equity spaces.


1 个答案

lynn_品职助教 · 2024年06月11日



要投Alternatives肯定是可以投的,但是从考试角度,就是让我们结合背景分析他的Portfolio management是否合适,所以我们要结合题目的信息。


如果题干信息说了,机构有Small investment staff, 有limited experience with alternatives investment,那我们就得到了进一步的确认信息,可以判断绝对不合适。主要就是员工没有专业能力,即便是外包给外部基金经理,也需要专业分析能力进行筛选。


或者,基金比较特别,题目说未来流动性需求不高,虽然人员少但具备alternatives分析能力,可以access to外部比较好的alternatives基金经理,那投资alternatives也没问题。




1、资金量少比较难构建Diversified alternatives头寸。

2、有可能无法满足minimum investment size

3、无法雇佣到专业的alternatives investment人员,哪怕外包也要有能力筛选外部的基金经理

4、外包可能无法接触到top manager,而Alternatives的投资方差非常大,top manager与普通的收益差别很大。





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NO.PZ2019100901000017 问题如下 The Prometheo University Scholarship Enwment (the Enwment) westablishein 1950 ansupports scholarships for stunts attenng Prometheo University. The Enwment’s assets unr management are relatively small, anit hannuspenng poliof 6% of the five-yerolling asset value.Upon completion of the investment polireview her four-person staff, the CIO makes some recommentions to the Enwment’s boarregarng the investment objectives anasset allocation. One of her recommentions is to apt the enwment mol investment approach. She recommen investing 20% in private equity, 40% in hee fun, 25% in public equities, an15% in fixeincome.termine whether the boarshoulaccept the CIO’s recommention. Justify your response. Justify your response:The boarshoulrejethe CIO’s recommention. This recommention is a significant parture from current practianentails a muhigher level of risk. The size of the investment teis small, with only four people, anit mnot have aquate access to or experienin alternative investments. Given the relatively small size of the Enwment, it is unlikely thit haccess to top managers in the hee funanprivate equity spaces. Reject. The enwment's assets unr management are relatively small, whiis harto meet the high minimum investment size of alternative investment. Alternative investments require a long-term investment horizon anrelatively low liquity nee. But the enwment hannuspenng poliof 6% of the five-yerolling asset value, whimeans the liquity neeis strong, the risk toleranis below average. The enwment only have four staff anone CIO, it esn't have a well-structuregovernanframework.

2024-08-26 20:32 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019100901000017 问题如下 The Prometheo University Scholarship Enwment (the Enwment) westablishein 1950 ansupports scholarships for stunts attenng Prometheo University. The Enwment’s assets unr management are relatively small, anit hannuspenng poliof 6% of the five-yerolling asset value.Upon completion of the investment polireview her four-person staff, the CIO makes some recommentions to the Enwment’s boarregarng the investment objectives anasset allocation. One of her recommentions is to apt the enwment mol investment approach. She recommen investing 20% in private equity, 40% in hee fun, 25% in public equities, an15% in fixeincome.termine whether the boarshoulaccept the CIO’s recommention. Justify your response. Justify your response:The boarshoulrejethe CIO’s recommention. This recommention is a significant parture from current practianentails a muhigher level of risk. The size of the investment teis small, with only four people, anit mnot have aquate access to or experienin alternative investments. Given the relatively small size of the Enwment, it is unlikely thit haccess to top managers in the hee funanprivate equity spaces. 老师好,请问这道题其中关于基金规模过小无法投资与alternative,我的回答角度可以拿到分数吗a relatively smfunthe funmight ha fficulty to meet the minimum invesetment requirement for investement in a large portion on the alternative asset;

2024-05-31 10:28 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2019100901000017 问题如下 The Prometheo University Scholarship Enwment (the Enwment) westablishein 1950 ansupports scholarships for stunts attenng Prometheo University. The Enwment’s assets unr management are relatively small, anit hannuspenng poliof 6% of the five-yerolling asset value.Upon completion of the investment polireview her four-person staff, the CIO makes some recommentions to the Enwment’s boarregarng the investment objectives anasset allocation. One of her recommentions is to apt the enwment mol investment approach. She recommen investing 20% in private equity, 40% in hee fun, 25% in public equities, an15% in fixeincome.termine whether the boarshoulaccept the CIO’s recommention. Justify your response. Justify your response:The boarshoulrejethe CIO’s recommention. This recommention is a significant parture from current practianentails a muhigher level of risk. The size of the investment teis small, with only four people, anit mnot have aquate access to or experienin alternative investments. Given the relatively small size of the Enwment, it is unlikely thit haccess to top managers in the hee funanprivate equity spaces. NO.PZ2019100901000017问题如下The Prometheo University Scholarship Enwment (the Enwment) westablishein 1950 ansupports scholarships for stunts attenng Prometheo University. The Enwment’s assets unr management are relatively small, anit hannuspenng poliof 6% of the five-yerolling asset value.Upon completion of the investment polireview her four-person staff, the CIO makes some recommentions to the Enwment’s boarregarng the investment objectives anasset allocation. One of her recommentions is to apt the enwment mol investment approach. She recommen investing 20% in private equity, 40% in hee fun, 25% in public equities, an15% in fixeincome.termine whether the boarshoulaccept the CIO’s recommention. Justify your response.The boarshoulrejethe CIO’s recommention. This recommention is a significant parture from current practianentails a muhigher level of risk. The size of the investment teis small, with only four people, anit mnot have aquate access to or experienin alternative investments. Given the relatively small size of the Enwment, it is unlikely thit haccess to top managers in the hee funanprivate equity spaces.我的答案如下,请老师批改下谢谢The boarshoulnot accept the CIO’s recommention, because the Enwment’s assets unr management are relatively small, whimnot reathe threshol of alternatives. The 60% allocation in alternatives mmake the portfolio too concentratein illiquiassets. Besis, the annuspenng rate of 6% (after HEPI) requires higher liquity nee anthe 40% allocation in public equities anfixeincome mnot meet the nee. 然后我还有一个问题为啥一谈到alternative,CFA答案里几乎只说“团队太小对另类投资没有经验、无法接触到顶级基金经理”这个问题?“it mnot have aquate access to or experienin alternative investments. Given the relatively small size of the Enwment, it is unlikely thit haccess to top managers in the hee funanprivate equity spaces.”这个问题有这么严重??答案居然只说这个,而且不只是一道题目。我觉得还有一个重要问题是,the portfolio mnot meet the minimum size requirements of alternatives e to the small size. 还有就是60%配置在另类里,不会太高吗?毕竟它每年的spenng rate要6%,剩余40%的public配置能达到?

2024-01-02 11:06 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2019100901000017 问题如下 The Prometheo University Scholarship Enwment (the Enwment) westablishein 1950 ansupports scholarships for stunts attenng Prometheo University. The Enwment’s assets unr management are relatively small, anit hannuspenng poliof 6% of the five-yerolling asset value.Upon completion of the investment polireview her four-person staff, the CIO makes some recommentions to the Enwment’s boarregarng the investment objectives anasset allocation. One of her recommentions is to apt the enwment mol investment approach. She recommen investing 20% in private equity, 40% in hee fun, 25% in public equities, an15% in fixeincome.termine whether the boarshoulaccept the CIO’s recommention. Justify your response. Justify your response:The boarshoulrejethe CIO’s recommention. This recommention is a significant parture from current practianentails a muhigher level of risk. The size of the investment teis small, with only four people, anit mnot have aquate access to or experienin alternative investments. Given the relatively small size of the Enwment, it is unlikely thit haccess to top managers in the hee funanprivate equity spaces. 想确认下这么回答可以吗? New allocation shoulrejecte because: ① They mnot have access to high-quality managers e to their small size ansmall team. ② They mnot meemt the minimum size requiremetn of the alternative investment e to their small size.2.想确认下,这里的spenng rate of 6% 是高是低?我理解,6%是比较高的,因此对每年流动性的要求比较高,因此不适合大比例投资alternative,这可不可以也作为一个rejenew allocation 的理由?如果可以的话,应该怎么回答?

2023-12-27 10:35 1 · 回答