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Elai ne · 2024年06月10日




The relatively low correlation of ESG ratings by the various providers most likely:


A.facilitates empirical research and decision making.

B.motivates companies to improve their ESG performance.

C.results in ESG performance not being fully reflected in corporate security prices.


A. Incorrect because the divergence of ratings poses a challenge for empirical research, as using one rater versus another may alter a study’s results and conclusions. Taken together, the ambiguity around ESG ratings represents a challenge for decision-makers.

B. Incorrect because the divergence hampers the ambition of companies to improve their ESG performance, because they receive mixed signals from rating agencies about which actions are expected and will be valued by the market.

C. Correct because ESG performance is less likely to be reflected in corporate stock and bond prices, as investors face a challenge when trying to identify outperformers and laggards. Investor tastes can influence asset prices, but only when a large enough fraction of the market holds and implements a uniform nonfinancial preference. Therefore, even if a large fraction of investors have a preference for ESG performance, the divergence of the ratings disperses the effect of these preferences on asset prices.


1 个答案

Tina_品职助教 · 2024年06月11日






  • 相关性较低的评级会导致不同评级机构的评估结果不同,从而给研究人员和决策者带来挑战。使用不同评级机构的数据可能会得出不同的研究结果和结论。
  • 结论: 不正确,因为相关性较低会增加实证研究和决策制定的复杂性,而不是促进它们。


  • 如果评级机构之间的评分差异大,公司可能会收到混合信号,不清楚应采取哪些措施来改进其ESG表现。因此,公司可能不会有明确的方向来提升其ESG评分。
  • 结论: 不正确,因为相关性较低的评级会混淆公司,不利于他们制定一致的ESG改进策略。


  • 如果不同的评级机构对同一公司的ESG表现有不同的看法,投资者会面临识别表现优异和表现落后的公司时的挑战。因此,即使市场中有一部分投资者重视ESG表现,但由于评级差异,ESG表现难以一致地反映在公司证券价格中。
  • 结论: 正确,因为低相关性的评级使得投资者难以一致地识别ESG表现,这分散了市场对ESG表现的价格反应。


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NO.PZ2024021801000080 问题如下 The relatively low correlation of ESG ratings the various provirs most likely: A.facilitates empiricresearancision making. B.motivates companies to improve their ESG performance. C.results in ESG performannot being fully reflectein corporate security prices. Incorrebecause the vergenof ratings poses a challenge for empiricresearch, using one rater versus another malter a stu’s results anconclusions. Taken together, the ambiguity arounESG ratings represents a challenge for cision-makers.Incorrebecause the vergenhampers the ambition of companies to improve their ESG performance, because they receive mixesignals from rating agencies about whiactions are expecteanwill valuethe market.Correbecause ESG performanis less likely to reflectein corporate stoanbonprices, investors faa challenge when trying to intify outperformers anlaggar. Investor tastes cinfluenasset prices, but only when a large enough fraction of the market hol animplements a uniform nonfinancipreference. Therefore, even if a large fraction of investors have a preferenfor ESG performance, the vergenof the ratings sperses the effeof these preferences on asset prices. C是结果不是原因,这题是不是问的有问题

2024-06-28 12:20 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2024021801000080 问题如下 The relatively low correlation of ESG ratings the various provirs most likely: A.facilitates empiricresearancision making. B.motivates companies to improve their ESG performance. C.results in ESG performannot being fully reflectein corporate security prices. Incorrebecause the vergenof ratings poses a challenge for empiricresearch, using one rater versus another malter a stu’s results anconclusions. Taken together, the ambiguity arounESG ratings represents a challenge for cision-makers.Incorrebecause the vergenhampers the ambition of companies to improve their ESG performance, because they receive mixesignals from rating agencies about whiactions are expecteanwill valuethe market.Correbecause ESG performanis less likely to reflectein corporate stoanbonprices, investors faa challenge when trying to intify outperformers anlaggar. Investor tastes cinfluenasset prices, but only when a large enough fraction of the market hol animplements a uniform nonfinancipreference. Therefore, even if a large fraction of investors have a preferenfor ESG performance, the vergenof the ratings sperses the effeof these preferences on asset prices. C如何更好的理解?请作进一步

2024-05-23 13:33 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2024021801000080问题如下 The relatively low correlation of ESG ratings the various provirs most likely:A.facilitates empiricresearancision making.B.motivates companies to improve their ESG performance.C.results in ESG performannot being fully reflectein corporate security prices. Incorrebecause the vergenof ratings poses a challenge for empiricresearch, using one rater versus another malter a stu’s results anconclusions. Taken together, the ambiguity arounESG ratings represents a challenge for cision-makers.Incorrebecause the vergenhampers the ambition of companies to improve their ESG performance, because they receive mixesignals from rating agencies about whiactions are expecteanwill valuethe market.Correbecause ESG performanis less likely to reflectein corporate stoanbonprices, investors faa challenge when trying to intify outperformers anlaggar. Investor tastes cinfluenasset prices, but only when a large enough fraction of the market hol animplements a uniform nonfinancipreference. Therefore, even if a large fraction of investors have a preferenfor ESG performance, the vergenof the ratings sperses the effeof these preferences on asset prices. Wecorrelation of ESG , 不是需要提供其esg 動力嗎?

2024-04-12 09:02 1 · 回答