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思思 · 2024年06月07日

ratio1是sharpe ratio,ration3是Treynor ratio,ratio2是什么

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The asset allocation choice in Exhibit 2 that has the highest probability of meeting the committee’s desired return criteria is allocation:







C is correct. The allocation that has the highest probability of meeting the target return of 5% annually generates the highest value for the ratio: (expected annual return – target return)/return volatility, which is Ratio 2 in Exhibit 2. Allocation 2 has the highest value for this ratio.

B is incorrect. Allocation 2 has the highest value for Ratio 2. Allocation 1 has the highest Sharpe Ratio.

A is incorrect. Allocation 2 has the highest value for this Ratio 2. Allocation 3 has the highest Treynor Measure.

ratio1是sharpe ratio,ration3是Treynor ratio,ratio2是什么?为什么不选sharpe ratio最高的

1 个答案

lynn_品职助教 · 2024年06月11日


是information ratio


第一步 看题目中有没有提到risk-adjusted expected return,

第二步 就是计算各自组合的收益(一般来说如果没有提到risk那就只靠收益来判断就可以了)

第三步 在提到risk- adjusted的情况下,用SFR还是SR就看最低期望收益率了,因为这两个都是风险调整后的收益,此时如果说了要满足目标收益率而不是risk free rate就一定要使用SFR。

如这道题提到 meeting the committee’s desired return criteria,就是不能用Sharpe ratio了。


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NO.PZ202206210100000404 问题如下 The asset allocation choiin Exhibit 2 thhthe highest probability of meeting the committee’s sirereturn criteria is allocation: A.3 B.1 C.2 SolutionC is correct. The allocation thhthe highest probability of meeting the target return of 5% annually generates the highest value for the ratio: (expecteannureturn – target return)/return volatility, whiis Ratio 2 in Exhibit 2. Allocation 2 hthe highest value for this ratio.B is incorrect. Allocation 2 hthe highest value for Ratio 2. Allocation 1 hthe highest Sharpe Ratio.A is incorrect. Allocation 2 hthe highest value for this Ratio 2. Allocation 3 hthe highest Treynor Measure. 助教你好助教在其他问题下的回复说这题的ratio 2是information ratio。information ratio的分母是σ (Rp-Rb);而本题表格说σ is annuvolatility,annuvolatility应该是σ (Rp)吧?如果是σ (Rp),那ratio 2应该是safety-first ratio吧?

2024-06-22 11:51 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202206210100000404 问题如下 The asset allocation choiin Exhibit 2 thhthe highest probability of meeting the committee’s sirereturn criteria is allocation: A.3 B.1 C.2 SolutionC is correct. The allocation thhthe highest probability of meeting the target return of 5% annually generates the highest value for the ratio: (expecteannureturn – target return)/return volatility, whiis Ratio 2 in Exhibit 2. Allocation 2 hthe highest value for this ratio.B is incorrect. Allocation 2 hthe highest value for Ratio 2. Allocation 1 hthe highest Sharpe Ratio.A is incorrect. Allocation 2 hthe highest value for this Ratio 2. Allocation 3 hthe highest Treynor Measure. RT

2024-03-28 21:02 3 · 回答

NO.PZ202206210100000404 问题如下 The asset allocation choiin Exhibit 2 thhthe highest probability of meeting the committee’s sirereturn criteria is allocation: A.3 B.1 C.2 SolutionC is correct. The allocation thhthe highest probability of meeting the target return of 5% annually generates the highest value for the ratio: (expecteannureturn – target return)/return volatility, whiis Ratio 2 in Exhibit 2. Allocation 2 hthe highest value for this ratio.B is incorrect. Allocation 2 hthe highest value for Ratio 2. Allocation 1 hthe highest Sharpe Ratio.A is incorrect. Allocation 2 hthe highest value for this Ratio 2. Allocation 3 hthe highest Treynor Measure. 如题

2023-06-18 18:26 2 · 回答