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白玉老鼠 · 2024年06月07日

负面筛选和排除筛选 到底是定性的?还是定量的?



Which of the following statements about exclusionary screening is true?


A.Imposing an exclusion screen may introduce unintended factor exposure B.Exclusionary screening imposes sustainability-related themes to a portfolio investment universe C.Exclusionary screening considers more qualitative forms of responsible investment, such as stewardship and engagement activities


The degree of exclusions may carry significant implications from a portfolio management perspective — not just in terms of higher tracking error and active share, but also in unintended factor exposure Hence, imposing an exclusion screen may introduce unintended factor exposure



1 个答案

王岑 · 2024年06月11日


这道题目的答案是A. 因为施加排除性筛选确实可能引入意想不到的因素暴露。这是由于排除某些行业或公司后,投资组合的构成会发生变化,可能会偏向某些特定的因素,从而增加了风险。



  • 指数基金:对于指数基金,排除性筛选通常是定量的。例如,某基金可能会排除所有涉及化石燃料的公司,并使用明确的财务和ESG指标来筛选成分股。
  • ESG评分:使用具体的ESG评分作为筛选标准,排除评分低于某一数值的公司。



  • 伦理投资:某些伦理投资基金可能基于公司行为和道德标准进行筛选,这些标准可能难以量化。例如,基金可能会排除所有涉及某些被认为不道德业务的公司。
  • 股东参与:定性的评估可能涉及对公司的治理结构、管理层行为以及股东参与活动的分析。


  • 1

  • 0

  • 182


NO.PZ2022120701000083问题如下 Whiof the following statements about exclusionary screening is true?A.Imposing exclusion screen mintrounintenfactor exposureB.Exclusionary screening imposes sustainability-relatethemes to a portfolio investment universeC.Exclusionary screening consirs more qualitative forms of responsible investment, sustewarhip anengagement activitiesThe gree of exclusions mcarry significant implications from a portfolio management perspective — not just in terms of higher tracking error anactive share, but also in unintenfactor exposure Hence, imposing exclusion screen mintrounintenfactor exposurec的意思是排除筛选不提供定量分析吗

2024-05-07 16:40 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000083 问题如下 Whiof the following statements about exclusionary screening is true? A.Imposing exclusion screen mintrounintenfactor exposure B.Exclusionary screening imposes sustainability-relatethemes to a portfolio investment universe C.Exclusionary screening consirs more qualitative forms of responsible investment, sustewarhip anengagement activities The gree of exclusions mcarry significant implications from a portfolio management perspective — not just in terms of higher tracking error anactive share, but also in unintenfactor exposure Hence, imposing exclusion screen mintrounintenfactor exposure 为什么exclusionary screening会带来意想不到的因素的暴露

2023-12-06 18:40 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000083 问题如下 Whiof the following statements about exclusionary screening is true? A.Imposing exclusion screen mintrounintenfactor exposure B.Exclusionary screening imposes sustainability-relatethemes to a portfolio investment universe C.Exclusionary screening consirs more qualitative forms of responsible investment, sustewarhip anengagement activities The gree of exclusions mcarry significant implications from a portfolio management perspective — not just in terms of higher tracking error anactive share, but also in unintenfactor exposure Hence, imposing exclusion screen mintrounintenfactor exposure 老师请详细一下B

2023-11-13 14:27 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000083 问题如下 Whiof the following statements about exclusionary screening is true? A.Imposing exclusion screen mintrounintenfactor exposure B.Exclusionary screening imposes sustainability-relatethemes to a portfolio investment universe C.Exclusionary screening consirs more qualitative forms of responsible investment, sustewarhip anengagement activities The gree of exclusions mcarry significant implications from a portfolio management perspective — not just in terms of higher tracking error anactive share, but also in unintenfactor exposure Hence, imposing exclusion screen mintrounintenfactor exposure 老师,C为什么错了

2023-10-31 10:17 1 · 回答