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gotowsy · 2024年06月04日

policy documents具体指的是什么文件?



When searching for an asset manager, what is the most important information, with respect to ESG considerations, a client wants to understand from the RFP (Request for Proposal)?


A.The source of ESG data the manager uses in their investment process

B.That the manager can deliver in practice what is set out in the policy documents

C.The number of engagement activities the manger has undertaken and the outcomes of those activities


B is correct. The most important information a client wants to understand from the RFP is that the manager actually delivers in practice what is set out as the approach in policy documents. The source of ESG data and the results of engagement activities are things a client might be seeking to understand, but they are not the most important as in isolation they will not provide information on if the manager can deliver what the client is seeking.

policy documents具体指的是什么文件?政策文件、还是mandates

1 个答案

净净_品职助教 · 2024年06月05日


policy documents(政策文件)指的是投资经理在提案中描述的其ESG投资策略和政策。这些文件通常包括以下内容:

  1. ESG投资策略:描述如何在投资决策过程中考虑环境、社会和治理因素。这可能包括负面筛选、积极筛选、ESG整合、影响力投资等不同的策略。
  2. ESG政策:具体阐明公司如何执行其ESG策略。这包括如何收集和使用ESG数据、如何进行公司治理、如何与被投资公司进行互动(如股东投票和参与活动)等。
  3. ESG报告和披露:关于公司如何报告和披露其ESG绩效及相关活动的信息。这可能包括定期发布的ESG报告、透明度政策等。
  4. ESG目标和承诺:公司对ESG目标的具体承诺,如减少碳足迹、实现特定的社会影响目标等。

这些政策文件旨在向潜在客户展示投资经理在实践中如何落实其ESG承诺。客户在阅读RFP时,最关心的是投资经理是否能够在实际操作中兑现这些承诺,而不仅仅是理论上的描述或计划。因此,policy documents在此处指的是与投资经理的ESG策略和操作实践相关的所有文件和声明。
