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穿行 · 2024年06月02日




Which of the following statements best describes empirical duration?



A common way to calculate a bond’s empirical duration is to run a regression of its price returns on changes in a benchmark interest rate.


A bond’s empirical duration tends to be larger than its effective duration.


The price sensitivity of high-yield bonds to interest rate changes is typically higher than that of investment-grade bonds


A is correct. A bond’s empirical duration is often estimated by running a regression of its price returns on changes in a benchmark interest rate.

C:The price sensitivity of high-yield bonds to interest rate changes is typically higher than that of investment-grade bonds

2 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2024年07月22日

参考LM 4的标题empirical duration这个视频;Or讲义275页

发亮_品职助教 · 2024年06月03日



主题干讨论的是empirical duration,三个选项都是关于Empirical duration的讨论哈。

关于empirical duration正确的结论就是,high-yield bond的empirical duration要小于investment-grade bond的empirical duration

原因是empirical duration是利用债券的实际价格变动Benchmark rate的改变做的回归。即:

y = a + bx + 残差项

其中因变量y就是债券价格的实际改变,而x自变量就是benchmark rate的改变,回归出来的系数b,其含义就是benchmark rate变动1单位时,债券的实际价格变动多少单位,所以系数b本质就是empirical duration。

对于公司债来讲,当benchmark rate改变时,债券的实际价格波动,也就是因变量y是比较小的,所以1单位x改变带来的y改变较少,于是回归出来的系数b,empirical duraiton较小。

而同样一单位的benchmark rate改变,投资级别的债券investment grade bond的价格改变y较大,所以回归出来的系数b,empirical duration较大。

原因就是high-yield bond会出现较大的benchmark rate与credit spread的反向抵消变化,这导致债券的YTM改变不大,于是导致HYB的价格波动不大。

比如,benchmark rate上升1%,而HYB的Credit spread下降0.8%,于是HYB债券的YTM只上升了0.2%,基于0.2%的YTM改变,HYB的实际价格波动比较小。

利用HYB较小的实际价格波动(因变量y)和benchmark rate的改变1%(自变量x)做回归算出来的系数empirical duration就较小。

而对于Investment grade bond来讲,benchmark rate上升1%,其credit spread只下降0.1%,于是债券的YTM上升0.9%,基于这样的YTM改变,其实际价格波动较大。

于是基于较高的实际价格变化和Benchmark rate上升1%做回归出来的empirical duration就较大。

总结下:越是垃圾债,benchmark rate与credit spread的反向变化关系就越明显,其价格对benchmark rate的敏感度就越低,因为benchmark rate的改变绝大部分被credit spread反向改变抵消了,最终引起的价格变动就小,所以HYB对benchmark rate就不敏感,即,empirical duration小,小于Investment grade bond的ED。


fanfan1989 · 2024年07月05日


缨水珞 · 2024年07月22日


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NO.PZ2021120102000010 问题如下 Whiof the followingstatements best scribes empiricration? A.A common wto calculate a bons empiricration is to run aregression of its prireturns on changes in a benchmark interest rate. B.A bons empiricration ten to larger thits effective ration. C.The prisensitivity of high-yielbon to interest rate changes is typically higher ththof investment-gra bon Ais correct. A bons empiricration is often estimaterunning aregression of its prireturns on changes in a benchmark interest rate. 拜托老师帮忙复习一下,为什么HY的sensitivity小于IG的?

2024-07-18 21:57 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2021120102000010 问题如下 Whiof the followingstatements best scribes empiricration? A.A common wto calculate a bons empiricration is to run aregression of its prireturns on changes in a benchmark interest rate. B.A bons empiricration ten to larger thits effective ration. C.The prisensitivity of high-yielbon to interest rate changes is typically higher ththof investment-gra bon Ais correct. A bons empiricration is often estimaterunning aregression of its prireturns on changes in a benchmark interest rate. 问题1: 请问老师,教材原文对于empiricration 的是什么?问题2: 请问老师 empiricration 衡量的是价格对yc变化的敏感程度,还是价格对yb变化的敏感程度呢?我的理解应该是价格对于yc变化的敏感程度,只有这样,sprea变化和benchmark 的变化才能相互抵消。基于问题2里我对于empiricration的理解,我认为A不对,因为A写的是对于benmark利率的回归得出了empiricration。请老师做解读,谢谢。

2024-05-25 17:48 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2021120102000010问题如下 Whiof the followingstatements best scribes empiricration? A.A common wto calculate a bons empiricration is to run aregression of its prireturns on changes in a benchmark interest rate.B.A bons empiricration ten to larger thits effective ration.C.The prisensitivity of high-yielbon to interest rate changes is typically higher ththof investment-gra bon Ais correct. A bons empiricration is often estimaterunning aregression of its prireturns on changes in a benchmark interest rate. B为什么错了?没看懂其他的回答

2024-01-26 01:10 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021120102000010 问题如下 Whiof the followingstatements best scribes empiricration? A.A common wto calculate a bons empiricration is to run aregression of its prireturns on changes in a benchmark interest rate. B.A bons empiricration ten to larger thits effective ration. C.The prisensitivity of high-yielbon to interest rate changes is typically higher ththof investment-gra bon Ais correct. A bons empiricration is often estimaterunning aregression of its prireturns on changes in a benchmark interest rate. yC=yB+spreaC 和 YB分别代表什么呢?

2024-01-22 20:15 1 · 回答