开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


150****8046 · 2024年06月01日




Which of the following is not among the identified key mechanisms for the escalation of engagement?


A.Submitting a shareholder resolution B.Operating collectively with other shareholders C.Holding additional meetings with management




Voting against particular resolutions (notably the approval of the report and accounts, the discharge of directors, or the appointment of individual directors) is often seen as an escalation tool to reinforce engagement messaging. But there are many other ways to escalate. The Hong Kong Principles set out a list of potential escalatory actions (largely based on the list set out in the former UK Code). While the first three actions might be seen by many engagement professionals as part of a standard set of tools in normal dialogues with companies, the last four will certainly be recognized as forms of escalation: 1. holding additional meetings with management specifically to discuss concerns; 2. expressing concerns through the companys advisers; 3. meeting with the chair or other board members; 4. collaborating with other investors on particular issues; 5. making a public statement in advance of general meetings; 6. submitting resolutions and speaking at general meetings; and 7. requisitioning a general meeting and, in some cases, proposing to change board membership.


2 个答案

Carol文_品职助教 · 2024年09月27日




Carol文_品职助教 · 2024年06月03日




阿里 · 2024年09月26日


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NO.PZ2024010506000027问题如下 Whichof the following is least likely among the intifiekey mechanisms forthe escalation of engagement? A.Submitting a shareholr resolutionB.Operating collectively with other shareholrsC.Holng aitionmeetings with management CFA协会2024年6月5日官方勘误将题干Whichof the following is not among the intifiekey mechanisms for the escalationof engagement?修改为Whiof thefollowing is least likely among the intifiekey mechanisms for theescalation of engagement?题干表述更为准确。CFA协会2024年4月2日官方勘误将正确答案修改为C。原课后题答案为A。此题考察的是参与的升级措施,对应知识内容如下。课程中讲到7种升级措施,“虽然前三种行为可能被......视为与公司正常对话中标准工具的一部分,但后四种行为肯定会被视为一种升级形式”。题干问的是“以下哪一项不是确定的参与升级的关键机制?”。根据教材内容,第27题A对应第六条,B对应第四条,C对应第一条。正确答案应该为C。Voting against particulresolutions (notably the approvof the reportanaccounts, the scharge of rectors, or the appointment of invialrectors) is often seen escalation tool to reinforengagementmessaging. But there are many other ways to escalate. The Hong Kong Principlesset out a list of potentiescalatory actions (largely baseon the list setout in the former UK Co). While the first three actions might seen bymany engagement professionals part of a stanrset of tools in normalalogues with companies, the last four will certainly recognizeforms ofescalation: 1. holng aitionmeetings with management specifically toscuss concerns; 2. expressing concerns through the company’saisers; 3. meeting with the chair or other boarmembers; 4. collaboratingwith other investors on particulissues; 5. making a public statement inaanof genermeetings; 6. submitting resolutions anspeaking generalmeetings; an7. requisitioning a genermeeting an in some cases, proposingto change boarmembership. 可以详细一下吗,我没听太懂

2024-12-08 18:08 1 · 回答