开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


Alex · 2024年05月27日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干



Based on Exhibits 2 and 3, and assuming annual compounding, the per share value of Troubadour’s short position in the TSI forward contract three months after contract initiation is closest to:









C is correct.

The no-arbitrage price of the forward contract, three months after contract initiation, is

F0.25 = FV0.25(S0.25 + CC0.25 – CB0.25)

F0.25 = [$245 + 0 – $1.50 / (1 + 0.00325)(0.5-0,25) ] (1 + 0.00325)(0.75-0.25) = $243.8966.

herefore, from the perspective of the long, the value of the TSI forward contract is

V0.25= PV0.25 [F0.25 – F0]

V0.25= ($243.8966 – $250.562289)/(1 + 0.00325)(0.75-0.25) = –$6.6549.

Because Troubadour is short the TSI forward contract, the value of his position is a gain of $6.6549.




如果使用画图法,与课程讲法一致:假设是long position,向上箭头表收到,向下的箭头表支出,二者相减即为所求的value。对应本题需要注意的是short头寸,因此最后求得结果需要取负号即可。


本案中,Troubadour takes a short position in the TSI equity forward contract,请教如果是take a long position,也是应该St中减去PV(1.5分红)吗?

1 个答案

pzqa35 · 2024年05月28日


这里的求value我们是站在long方的角度先求出了value,然后再加上负号即可。因为dividend作为carry benefit,long方在期间是收不到的,所以是要减去。这种题目我们都是站在long方的角度来思考,然后short方加上负号即可,否则非常容易搞混哈。


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NO.PZ202108100100000105 问题如下 Baseon Exhibits 2 an3, anassuming annucompounng, the per share value of Troubaur’s short position in the TSI forwarcontrathree months after contrainitiation is closest to: A.$1.6549. B.$5.1561. C.$6.6549. C is correct. The no-arbitrage priof the forwarcontract, three months after contrainitiation, isF0.25 = FV0.25(S0.25 + CC0.25 – CB0.25)F0.25 = [$245 + 0 – $1.50 / (1 + 0.00325)(0.5-0,25) ] (1 + 0.00325)(0.75-0.25) = $243.8966.herefore, from the perspective of the long, the value of the TSI forwarcontraisV0.25= PV0.25 [F0.25 – F0]V0.25= ($243.8966 – $250.562289)/(1 + 0.00325)(0.75-0.25) = –$6.6549.Because Troubaur is short the TSI forwarcontract, the value of his position is a gain of $6.6549. 中文解析本题考察的是t时刻求value,有重新定价法和画图法两种方法。上述求解过程为重新定价法,即先求t=3时刻的远期合约价格F,然后和F作差后折现至t时刻即可。如果使用画图法,与课程讲法一致假设是long position,向上箭头表收到,向下的箭头表支出,二者相减即为所求的value。对应本题需要注意的是short头寸,因此最后求得结果需要取负号即可。具体计算过程如下图 FP=250.562289为什么是在9月结束的时候,画图法能看懂但是现金流老是对不上号,请老师再下,谢谢

2024-05-03 12:34 2 · 回答

NO.PZ202108100100000105 问题如下 Baseon Exhibits 2 an3, anassuming annucompounng, the per share value of Troubaur’s short position in the TSI forwarcontrathree months after contrainitiation is closest to: A.$1.6549. B.$5.1561. C.$6.6549. C is correct. The no-arbitrage priof the forwarcontract, three months after contrainitiation, isF0.25 = FV0.25(S0.25 + CC0.25 – CB0.25)F0.25 = [$245 + 0 – $1.50 / (1 + 0.00325)(0.5-0,25) ] (1 + 0.00325)(0.75-0.25) = $243.8966.herefore, from the perspective of the long, the value of the TSI forwarcontraisV0.25= PV0.25 [F0.25 – F0]V0.25= ($243.8966 – $250.562289)/(1 + 0.00325)(0.75-0.25) = –$6.6549.Because Troubaur is short the TSI forwarcontract, the value of his position is a gain of $6.6549. 中文解析本题考察的是t时刻求value,有重新定价法和画图法两种方法。上述求解过程为重新定价法,即先求t=3时刻的远期合约价格F,然后和F作差后折现至t时刻即可。如果使用画图法,与课程讲法一致假设是long position,向上箭头表收到,向下的箭头表支出,二者相减即为所求的value。对应本题需要注意的是short头寸,因此最后求得结果需要取负号即可。具体计算过程如下图 因为原题的设定,假如考虑了accrueinterest,那AI_t和AI_T也会抵消;如果没有这么巧合的设定,这道题是不是需要考虑两个accrueinterest?

2023-05-16 19:53 2 · 回答

NO.PZ202108100100000105问题如下 Baseon Exhibits 2 an3, anassuming annucompounng, the per share value of Troubaur’s short position in the TSI forwarcontrathree months after contrainitiation is closest to: A.$1.6549.B.$5.1561.C.$6.6549. C is correct. The no-arbitrage priof the forwarcontract, three months after contrainitiation, isF0.25 = FV0.25(S0.25 + CC0.25 – CB0.25)F0.25 = [$245 + 0 – $1.50 / (1 + 0.00325)(0.5-0,25) ] (1 + 0.00325)(0.75-0.25) = $243.8966.herefore, from the perspective of the long, the value of the TSI forwarcontraisV0.25= PV0.25 [F0.25 – F0]V0.25= ($243.8966 – $250.562289)/(1 + 0.00325)(0.75-0.25) = –$6.6549.Because Troubaur is short the TSI forwarcontract, the value of his position is a gain of $6.6549. 中文解析本题考察的是t时刻求value,有重新定价法和画图法两种方法。上述求解过程为重新定价法,即先求t=3时刻的远期合约价格F,然后和F作差后折现至t时刻即可。如果使用画图法,与课程讲法一致假设是long position,向上箭头表收到,向下的箭头表支出,二者相减即为所求的value。对应本题需要注意的是short头寸,因此最后求得结果需要取负号即可。具体计算过程如下图 exhibit3中的最后一段话有什么用

2023-04-06 22:41 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202108100100000105问题如下 Baseon Exhibits 2 an3, anassuming annucompounng, the per share value of Troubaur’s short position in the TSI forwarcontrathree months after contrainitiation is closest to: A.$1.6549.B.$5.1561.C.$6.6549. C is correct. The no-arbitrage priof the forwarcontract, three months after contrainitiation, isF0.25 = FV0.25(S0.25 + CC0.25 – CB0.25)F0.25 = [$245 + 0 – $1.50 / (1 + 0.00325)(0.5-0,25) ] (1 + 0.00325)(0.75-0.25) = $243.8966.herefore, from the perspective of the long, the value of the TSI forwarcontraisV0.25= PV0.25 [F0.25 – F0]V0.25= ($243.8966 – $250.562289)/(1 + 0.00325)(0.75-0.25) = –$6.6549.Because Troubaur is short the TSI forwarcontract, the value of his position is a gain of $6.6549. 中文解析本题考察的是t时刻求value,有重新定价法和画图法两种方法。上述求解过程为重新定价法,即先求t=3时刻的远期合约价格F,然后和F作差后折现至t时刻即可。如果使用画图法,与课程讲法一致假设是long position,向上箭头表收到,向下的箭头表支出,二者相减即为所求的value。对应本题需要注意的是short头寸,因此最后求得结果需要取负号即可。具体计算过程如下图 题目中说semiannuvin1.5%,为什么6时刻收到的vin是0.75

2023-03-28 12:41 2 · 回答