An active investor enters a duration-neutral yield curve flattening trade that combines 2-year and 10-year Treasury positions. Under which of the following yield curve scenarios would you expect the investor to realize the greatest portfolio gain?
A.Bear steepening
bull flattening
Yield curve inversion
C is correct.
A duration-neutral flattening trade involves a short 2-year Bond position and a long 10-year bond position, which have a “matched” duration or portfolio duration of zero. This portfolio will realize a gain if the slope of the yield curve—that is, the difference between short-term and long-term yields— declines. Yield curve inversion is an extreme version of flattening in which the spread between long-term and short-term yields-to-maturity falls below zero.
The bear steepening in A involves an unchanged 2-year yield-to-maturity with
a rise in the 10-year yield-to-maturity, causing a portfolio loss. The bull
flattening in B combines a constant 2-year yield-to-maturity with lower 10-year
rates, resulting in a gain on the 10-year bond position and an unchanged 2-year
bond position.
【这道题说的是要用2年期与10年期债券构建一个duration neutral的策略,这种策略在收益率曲线flatten下获得最大收益,然后让选出合适的flatten情形。我们先分析duration neutral。要想duration neutral,2年期债与10年期债肯定是相反头寸,即一个是Long,一个是short。】
读到这里,我是明白的,因为duration neutral 也就是组合的duration为0,那么两年期债券和十年期债券肯定是相反的头寸,通过一定比例调整后,组合的duration 是0。
【如果想在收益率曲线flatten下有利可图,可以判断2年期是short头寸,10年期是Long头寸(假设收益率曲线下降,2年期利率下降的少,10年期利率下降的多,也就是bull flatten,显然,只有long 10年期,short 2年期,才会在duration neutral的条件下有收益,若long 1年期,short 10年期,是有亏损的)】
读到这里我就不明白了,为啥收益率曲线flatten下,一定是short 2年期债券,long 10年期债券呢。short 10年期 long 2年期债券,也可以实现duration neutral啊?