Which of the considerations outlined by Moynahan on page 6 of the presentation is least likely correct?选项:
A.Consideration A B.Consideration B C.Consideration C解释:
SolutionB is correct. When managing taxable fixed-income portfolios, Moynahan should not minimize capital gains relative to capital losses because capital losses are generally only used to offset capital gains.
A is incorrect. When managing taxable fixed-income portfolios, Moynahan would want to minimize interest income relative to capital gains because capital gains are typically taxed at a lower effective tax rate.
C is incorrect. When managing taxable fixed-income portfolios, Moynahan may want to dismiss attractive relative value trades due to tax implications.
- Minimize interest income relative to capital gains.——我知道国债利息是免个人所得税的,其他利息应该有个人所得税?然后资本利得要交个人所得税?我不是很清楚这两个税税率哪个比较大。
- Minimize capital gains relative to capital losses.——我觉得这个应该是对的吧?在有纳税义务的组合里面,capital loss可以抵税,因此相比于capital loss,最小化capital gain应该是对的?
- Forego attractive trading opportunity because of tax implications.——因为税收问题放弃一些有吸引力的交易,这个我读起来应该是对的。