Which of the following statements best describes how the expected total return results would change if THB yields were to rise significantly over the investment horizon?
A.Both the Buy-and-Hold and Yield Curve Rolldown expected portfolio returns
would increase due to higher THB yields.
Both the Buy-and-Hold and Yield Curve Rolldown expected portfolio returns would decrease due to higher THB yields.
The Buy-and-Hold expected portfolio returns would be unchanged and the Yield Curve Rolldown expected portfolio returns would decrease due to the rise in yields.
C is correct.
In a higher THB yield
scenario in one year, the Yield Curve Rolldown
expected return would fall since a higher THB yield-to-maturity in
one year would reduce
the price at which the investor could sell the 1-year zero in one year.
The Buy-and-Hold portfolio return will be unaffected since the 1-year bond matures at the end of the investment horizon.
我最开始的理解是泰国货币的收益率上升,这个实际指的是泰国本国无风险利率上升了,因此与债券相关的currency以外的return,会因为债券价值下降而下降;另一方面泰国无风险利率变化会导致他的汇率同步发生变动,因此currency return会上升;二者offset之后return不变。