When preparing the initial draft for Brecksen’s review, does Grohl violate any CFA Standards?
Yes, because he used Brecksen’s research reports without permission.
Yes, because he did not use reasonable judgment in identifying which factors were important to the analysis.
Grohl exercised diligence, independence, and thoroughness in analyzing the company and its competitors. Brecksen provided his research reports for Grohl’s use and using the reports as a guide was appropriate. Standard V(A) requires that members distinguish between fact and opinion in communicating investment recommendations to clients. The Standard does not apply to investment recommendations communicated to supervisors or internal investment committees.
Grohl reads Brecksen’s old reports before studying the financial statements of the company and its competitors.
这句话很有有歧义,出题方的意思应该是他先看了research report,然后自己再研究了FS和对手公司,which符合审慎研究的观点,但是我读起来很像他只看了research report而没有做进一步的研究所以违反了。这个before很confuse, 考试时也会有这种情况么