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139****0989 · 2024年05月19日




Negative corporate governance characteristics are reflected in investment models through a:


A.risk discount on the cost of capital. B.proxy vote for low quality of management. C.threshold assessment prior to investment.


A is incorrect because, for companies with negative corporate governance characteristics, a risk premium, not a discount, is reflected in the cost of capital.

B is incorrect because proxy advisory firms (a highly concentrated group led by ISS and Glass Lewis) tend to adhere to the details of corporate governance codes in giving recommendations on how their clients might vote. Therefore, proxy votes are not used in investment models but once an investment has been made and is managed.

C is correct because for many investors integrating governance factors is a threshold assessment - a formal minimum criterion to consider before they will consider making an investment at any price.


1 个答案

Tina_品职助教 · 2024年05月19日




A. 风险折扣(Risk Discount)在资本成本中的应用

  • 对于具有负面公司治理特征的公司,资本成本中反映的是风险溢价(risk premium),而不是风险折扣。风险溢价是为了补偿由于公司治理不善带来的额外风险,因此会提高资本成本。

B. 低质量管理层的代理投票(Proxy Vote)

  • 代理投票通常是由代理顾问公司(如ISS和Glass Lewis)根据公司治理准则提出的建议。这些投票是为了指导股东在公司治理事务上的投票决策,但它们并不直接在投资模型中使用。代理投票是在投资决策之后进行的管理过程,而不是在投资决策过程中。

C. 投资前的门槛评估(Threshold Assessment)

  • 对于许多投资者来说,公司治理因素是一个门槛评估(threshold assessment),这是在考虑是否进行投资之前必须满足的最低标准。投资者在做出投资决策之前,会先评估公司治理是否达到其设定的最低要求。如果公司治理不达标,他们可能根本不会考虑投资。



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NO.PZ2024021802000072问题如下Negative corporate governancharacteristiare reflectein investment mols through a:A.risk scount on the cost of capital.B.proxy vote for low quality of management.C.thresholassessment prior to investment. A is incorrebecause, for companies with negativecorporate governancharacteristics, a risk premium, not a scount, isreflectein the cost of capital.B is incorrebecause proxy aisory firms (a highlyconcentrategroup leISS anGlass Lewis) tento aere to the tails ofcorporate governancos in giving recommentions on how their clients mightvote. Therefore, proxy votes are not usein investment mols but onaninvestment hbeen ma anis manageC is correbecause for many investors integratinggovernanfactors is a thresholassessment - a formminimum criterion toconsir before they will consir making investment any price. 公司治理差为什么不是提高scount rate?

2024-11-10 21:07 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2024021802000072 问题如下 Negative corporate governancharacteristiare reflectein investment mols through A.risk scount on the cost of capital. B.proxy vote for low quality of management. C.thresholassessment prior to investment. A is incorrebecause, for companies with negativecorporate governancharacteristics, a risk premium, not a scount, isreflectein the cost of capital.B is incorrebecause proxy aisory firms (a highlyconcentrategroup leISS anGlass Lewis) tento aere to the tails ofcorporate governancos in giving recommentions on how their clients mightvote. Therefore, proxy votes are not usein investment mols but onaninvestment hbeen ma anis manageC is correbecause for many investors integratinggovernanfactors is a thresholassessment - a formminimum criterion toconsir before they will consir making investment any price. a是investment mols,只不过a的逻辑错了,应该是premium;b明显不是investment mols;那么c也是investment mols吗?我理解investment mols指的是F模型和PE。另外还想问第八章讲到的MVO、因子选股那个表格也都是investment mols吗?

2024-10-11 14:30 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2024021802000072问题如下 Negative corporate governancharacteristiare reflectein investment mols through a:A.risk scount on the cost of capital.B.proxy vote for low quality of management.C.thresholassessment prior to investment. A is incorrebecause, for companies with negativecorporate governancharacteristics, a risk premium, not a scount, isreflectein the cost of capital.B is incorrebecause proxy aisory firms (a highlyconcentrategroup leISS anGlass Lewis) tento aere to the tails ofcorporate governancos in giving recommentions on how their clients mightvote. Therefore, proxy votes are not usein investment mols but onaninvestment hbeen ma anis manageC is correbecause for many investors integratinggovernanfactors is a thresholassessment - a formminimum criterion toconsir before they will consir making investment any price. (1)公司治理是通过调整折现率,不能通过调整市盈率吗?(2)有点不太理解市盈率。怎么能形象的理解市盈率呢?是指的投入的钱几年能回本吗?老师上课中说,公司治理越差,市盈率越低?市盈率低不是很快就能股票回本吗?

2024-07-27 21:46 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2024021802000072问题如下Negative corporate governancharacteristiare reflectein investment mols through a:A.risk scount on the cost of capital.B.proxy vote for low quality of management.C.thresholassessment prior to investment. A is incorrebecause, for companies with negativecorporate governancharacteristics, a risk premium, not a scount, isreflectein the cost of capital.B is incorrebecause proxy aisory firms (a highlyconcentrategroup leISS anGlass Lewis) tento aere to the tails ofcorporate governancos in giving recommentions on how their clients mightvote. Therefore, proxy votes are not usein investment mols but onaninvestment hbeen ma anis manageC is correbecause for many investors integratinggovernanfactors is a thresholassessment - a formminimum criterion toconsir before they will consir making investment any price. 这题不是很理解,请说明。

2024-06-19 22:40 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2024021802000072问题如下 Negative corporate governancharacteristiare reflectein investment mols through a:A.risk scount on the cost of capital.B.proxy vote for low quality of management.C.thresholassessment prior to investment. A is incorrebecause, for companies with negativecorporate governancharacteristics, a risk premium, not a scount, isreflectein the cost of capital.B is incorrebecause proxy aisory firms (a highlyconcentrategroup leISS anGlass Lewis) tento aere to the tails ofcorporate governancos in giving recommentions on how their clients mightvote. Therefore, proxy votes are not usein investment mols but onaninvestment hbeen ma anis manageC is correbecause for many investors integratinggovernanfactors is a thresholassessment - a formminimum criterion toconsir before they will consir making investment any price. 请教一下 对应的课件是哪页呀

2024-06-18 10:53 1 · 回答