Does Craw violate any CFA Institute Standards?
Yes, because he passes material nonpublic information to Voser.
Yes, because he does not make reasonable efforts to prevent violations of applicable law.
Craw did not adequately fulfill his responsibilities as a supervisor. While he may have delegated supervisory duties to Voser’s immediate supervisor, such delegation does not relieve him of his supervisory responsibility. As stated in the Standards of Practice Handbook, members and candidates with supervisory responsibility also must understand what constitutes an adequate compliance system for their firms and make reasonable efforts to see that appropriate compliance procedures are established, documented, communicated to covered personnel, and followed. “Adequate” procedures are those designed to meet industry standards, regulatory requirements, the requirements of the Code and Standards, and the circumstances of the firm. Once compliance procedures are established, the supervisor must also make reasonable efforts to ensure that the procedures are monitored and enforced. According to Standard IV(C)–Responsibilities of Supervisors, adequate compliance procedures require that once a violation is discovered, Craw conduct a thorough investigation to determine the scope of wrongdoing.
哪里体现了违反applicate law?这个law是宽泛的包含CFA准则吗?